25 Lessons 2018 Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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25 Lessons 2018 Taught Me

I truly am blessed to see another year.

25 Lessons 2018 Taught Me

This year was a very difficult year for me for so many reasons, but through the ups and downs, I discovered myself....... From losing my grandpa, friends, organizations and life plans, to finding my passion, my faith, myself, and a group of girls who truly bring out the best in me.

This year was full of heartbreak and extreme lows, but so much love and extreme highs. During my darkest moments I was able to find light in the unlikeliest of places; from people to music to faith. I learned so much this year and have grown immensely. I truly am blessed to see another year.

1. Be selfish

When we spread ourselves too thin, we forget about us. Set time aside for you to reconnect and center yourself so you can really be your best in other areas.

2. Chase YOUR dreams


Break barriers. Believe in yourself. Let people say "they're crazy." and prove them wrong. Big dreams mean big leaps and big failures, but also big successes.

3. Love others more

Loving others more than they love you can bring you pain, but it also brings so much happiness. Sometimes people need love more than you know.

4. It's okay to not be okay

You're going to have good days and bad days. You don't have to have it together 24/7. Reach out when you need help. Its okay and there are so many resources.

5. Where God guides, He provides 

If you feel a true calling and a tug at your heart, listen to it. Listening to Him was the scariest thing I've ever done but it has been so rewarding. He won't fail you. Its scary at first but accepting all that God has in store for you can bring some rewards.

6. I am who He says I am

Society will always have comments about who you are and who you should be. One thing that will never change is the beauty God sees in you and what He says about you. The world sees you through a filter of judgment and false standards. He sees you through a filter of love and grace.

7. Enjoy the little moments 


Take time to sit back and enjoy your time. Enjoy the little moments of laughter with friends, or crying sessions with your roommates. You'll never get those days back.

8. Spend time with loved ones

I would give anything for one more day with my grandpa. I had no idea that the last time I saw him, would be the last time I'd hear him say "I love you, darling." You never know when it's your last day, or someone else's. Cherish your precious time.

9. Do what makes YOU happy

...and do it unapologetically. Live your life. be who you want to be. Don't live with regret. We only have one life to live, so take hold of the reigns and enjoy the crazy ride.

10. Support live music

Artists are struggling trying to chase their dreams. Grab your friends and go dance and sing your heart out. Who knows, you might discover your new favorite band, or meet the love of your life ;)

11. Stop staring at the mirror


Imperfections make you perfectly you. Physical beauty is temporary. Inner beauty is timeless.

12. EAT!


One or even five cookies won't hurt you. Don't over restrict yourself. Everything in moderation.

13. Rest your body

Skipping the gym for a few days, or even a few weeks is okay. Just get back up and keep going. Your body is capable of much more than you think.

14. Your journey is unique 

Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. Your strengths and weaknesses are unique to you. Your plan will use those.

15. You're never too far gone for God

He is full of grace, mercy, and love. He waits with open arms welcoming us home. He doesn't see your scars and bruises. Your brokenness is welcome in His kingdom.

16. Let it go


Don't hold onto things or people that are bringing you down. surround yourself with things that truly bring out the best in you.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

17. Admit your mistakes 

Be humble. Nobody is perfect. There is always room for improvement.

18. Show grace and forgiveness 

Towards others, AND yourself. Forgiving others allows you to begin to heal. It really isn't for the other person, it's for you. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't dwell on yours. Use it as a learning experience. You're only human.

19. Love yourself 


I always say "How can I expect someone else to treat me right if I don't treat myself right?". I buy myself flowers every other week or so. It's a self-reminder that I am worthy and that there is beauty in all different sizes, shapes, colors, and seasons.

20. Don't tell people how to treat you

Stand up for yourself, but don't get bogged down on why someone isn't treating you how you want. Some people just don't show love in the ways we want to receive it. (Some just aren't mature enough to realize how their actions affect you.) A friend recently said to me "Well do {they} know that's how you want to be treated?" My response was "no... but I'm tired of telling people how to treat me. Because some people treat me amazing without me saying one word to them."

There will be good people that come into your life that automatically respect you and show you love.

21. You are enough 

...and not just "enough for the right person." You are enough for Him. The world may never see what HE sees but that's okay. You are loved. You are chosen. You are far more than enough.

22. Step out of your comfort zone 

Sometimes stepping out onto the edge is where we get the best view.

23. Say "yes!"


Stop being so worried about things that don't matter. Go out. Have fun. Take spontaneous day trips. Enjoy your life!

24. Say "no."


It's okay to say no. You can't spread yourself too thin. Don't be pressured into something you don't want to do.

25. Failure builds character 

When we fall we have two choices, stay down or get back up. Each set back provides an opportunity for growth and learning. You discover how strong you really are. Sometimes God has to break us in order to build us.

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