High school teaches you a lot. You may think that it is a waste of time, however, you actually learn so much. You learn stuff about life, people, and how to be a better person. You not only grow from your own experiences in high school, but you learn from others as well. Here are some of the major lessons you learn from your years in high school:
1. It's Okay to Fail.
If you don't ever fail, you will never know what defeat feels like. In order to grow as a person and learn to work hard, you must fail every once in a while. High school teaches you this. Whether it is failing a test or not making a sports team you wanted to, you learn from the experience, grow, and learn to work that much harder to succeed.
2. Friends Come and Go, and That's Okay.
The friends you start high school with, may not necessarily be the friends you end high school with, and that's okay. This doesn't mean you're a terrible person nor does it mean your old friends are terrible people. You change, your friends change, and things may not be the same as they used to. You learn to accept the change and go your separate ways, which in the long run, will make you a stronger person.
3. Who Your True Friends Are.
Those friends who have been with you from the start. The ones who have been with you through your dreaded, awkward middle school age, your first break-up, and finished high school by your side. These are the ones who will always be there for you. You learn who is truly there for you and who actually care about you throughout your experiences in high school, which is very important to learn.
4. Teachers Can Be Great Friends.
Sometimes, you need the advice of a teacher. Everyone has those one or two teachers who they always go to for help. Whether it's for a problem in school, a break-up, or you just want to talk, you go to these teachers for guidance. I learned that sometimes, the best advice you can receive from someone is from the people who have watched you grow the most throughout high school, which can actually be your teachers.
5. It Will Always Be Home.
Whether we want to admit it or not, we have a soft spot for our high school. The sports we played and cheered for, the clubs we were a part of, the teachers we had, and even our old classmates will always have a special place in our hearts. When you come and visit, you always feel a sense of safety and even when we say we will never come back, we always find our way back to our little ol' high school at a game or just visiting.
So, when someone asks what you learned in high school, don't reply with "nothing" or "I don't even know" because in reality, you learned much more than how to do algebra or about WWI. You learned valuable life lessons, how to grow, and how to become a better person. High school not only changed us all and made us smarter but also taught us things that we will be able to carry with us into the next chapter of our lives.