Nineties kids grew up watching Sailor Moon and the gang save the solar system. She and her pals became role models for us all. No matter what anyone says about the anime, and especially the English dub, there is no denying that we all learned so much from the characters.
1. Women don't need men.
I mean, Tuxedo Mask IS pretty lame... He doesn't have any sense of fashion and his superpower is throwing roses. Even though Sailor Moon seems to depend upon him, he is just there for moral support. We all know Sailor Moon would kick butt without Tuxedo Mask.
2. You should devote your life to a cause.
Although all of the sailor senshi are devoted to protecting the solar system, Sailor Pluto has biggest responsibility of them all. It is her life's work to guard the Door of Space-Time. She lives most of her life in solitude devoted to this cause. She inspired a generation to devote their lives to a cause they believe in.
3. Lesbians aren't evil.
Even though the English dub tried to gloss over the fact that Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were lesbian lovers, everyone knew it was true. The couple completely demolished the villainous lesbian stereotype by saving the solar system. I'd say that's pretty heroic!
4. Cats are cool.
Even if you're a dog person, you gained respect for felines because of Luna and Artemis. They were magical cats that could talk! How cool is that? Also, they were super dependable and always guided the Sailor Soldiers whenever they could.
5. You don't have to be a genius to make a difference.
Sailor Moon may not be the sharpest pencil in the box, but she has a heart. Even though she's not very bright, she manages to lead a successful team of girls with supernatural powers in order to save the day.
6. It's okay to be different.
All of the characters from the series are so incredibly different from one another. Yet, they are all still friends. The cast taught us that no matter how different our interests and personalities are, we can still be friends.
7. We can befriend our enemies.
With a lot of heart, anyone can befriend someone they don't get along with. No matter how bad they seem, there is always good in people and they have the power to change for the better with a little help. If the Sailor Soldiers could befriend the Amazoness Quartet, we too can befriend our enemies.
8. A true friend always has your back.
Sailors Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter taught us what true friendship is because they cared about Sailor Moon both when they were transformed and when they were not transformed. The Inner Senshi guarded Sailor Moon with their lives and would do anything to protect her. All of them always had each others backs, and that's what true friendship is all about.