I lived in Kansas for three years of my life. During those three years, I met the person I consider my first best friend, and one of the most valuable and special friends I have ever had.
His name is Jarrott. He has two biological siblings named McKenzie and Brennan, as well as an adopted sibling named Shasmita. Their parents have raised the four of them well. The whole family is truly amazing, and I am grateful for them. Jarrott was born prematurely, and doctors had little hope for him. They told the family that he wouldn’t live very long, yet this friend of mine is currently in his twenties. He has certainly had his struggles in this life, yet I continually see him expressing love to God and the people around him. He brings so much joy to everyone around him. I think many people in his situation would find plenty of reasons to complain; he finds plenty of reasons to rejoice. He loves life. He loves his God. He loves his friends, family, and school. He is an amazing young man, I am very proud of him and honored to know him and say that he was one of my first friends ever. His story, full of ups and downs, is truly an inspiring one.
Though my little elementary school girl self did not quite grasp or understand his struggles in school, that didn’t make a difference to me. He was my friend and I wanted to help him in any way I could. I say this not to brag on myself but to highlight his importance to me. His strengths may be different from people with different stories than his, but they are incredible strengths nonetheless. He is loyal, loving, godly, joyful, always noticing the good in this world. I don’t think I can recall a single moment when he was being unkind or unloving to anyone. That’s something not many people can have said of them. His friends and family are grateful for him and honored to know him. He may not be like anyone else, but sometimes that’s a great thing—and in his case I definitely think it is. He’s unlike the rest of the world, which allows him to see things differently than anyone else does. And that is one of the best qualities anyone could have.
Being born prematurely may have resulted in him being considered special needs, but that certainly doesn’t take away any of the value that his life has. He is a brilliant young man and though he and I don’t keep in touch as well as either of us would probably like to, the times that we do talk are wonderful. He is a living example of what it looks like to live a life of love, and that’s probably the most important thing I’ve gotten out of my friendship with him. No matter what he faces, he always chooses love.
I hope we can all be more like Jarrott. I hope that in all things, we can learn from his example, and choose to love. I hope we remember that our struggles aren’t everything and that love is greater than all. I hope and pray we all remember to love well today and everyday, just like Jarrott does. He’s a great example of that.