Everyone needs a person they tell everything that has happened to them; good or bad.
Some may choose for that person to be a best friend, parent, neighbor, or their doctor. Whoever the person is, they somehow know exactly what to say when you need them to.
There are so many lessons my mom has taught me throughout the years of listening to her and taking the advice given to me. I never imaged I would need or ever use in my lifetime.
1. Never grow up too soon.
You have your whole life to worry about the future and all of its mysteries. But at your age now don't worry about that, just focus on the present and be the best you can be today.
2. Don't listen to the haters, self-centered, shallow people that will try to tear you down layer by layer.
The only things that you should listen to is what you think of yourself and how your doing in life.
3. Your beautiful just the way you are.
You don't have to change for anyone or anything. It doesn't matter what size you are as long as your happy and healthy nothing else matters right now.
4. Always lend a helping hand, if you are able to help others in a positive way you shouldn't have to think about helping.
You don't know what that person has been through and how they got to the point that they are, just ask to help.
5. Be true to yourself and your family, don't let the negative people tear you down and make you think you need to be someone else.
As long as you are true to yourself others will either love you or hate you and you can't decide which one.
Thank you, Mom, for teaching the most important lessons I could never have learned without your guidance and knowledge. I will always be in debt to you from these lessons but I hope that in the future I will be half the women and mother that you are and teach my daughter the same lessons.