Adulthood is weird and difficult. There, I said it. Now that I have that off my chest, let's get to the nitty gritty. College is a beautiful bubble where 18-24 years olds literally run a town. They work at every store, put on every social event, and make up a majority of the population of the area. In an atmosphere like that where it is all you know for 4 years, it is hard to imagine that the outside world is any different. Unfortunately, it is different, very different. You can't ask your roommate to get you a job where they work, you can't volunteer all your time to an organization that doesn't pay you, and you can't pay $400 in total for rent and utilities. Don't get down though, because there is so much you can do in the adult world, that you can't in your college town.
1. Unemployment can be FUNemployment.
The next time you are not working will either be when you're unemployed, retired, dead, or have a kid. How depressing is that?? Take this time to enjoy your post-grad unemployment, do a little traveling, sleep till noon, and binge on Netflix. Don't let it last forever, but you have earned a few weeks of chilling.
2. Living with your family isn't really that bad.
Can I get an "AMEN" for free rent, free food, no electric or water bills, and cable and internet that is free?? AMENNNNN y'all. Hang out with your family, because you probably won't live with them again and now it is still socially acceptable to live with them. Once you're older, though, leave the nest. Be free my child. Your parents don't want you to be there forever.
3. Not all your college friends will stay your friends forever.
Such a harsh reality but that doesn't mean you won't have more friends. People change and people move, but that doesn't mean anyone is a bad person. Friends come and go as you need them in your life and vice versa. Don't let the passing of a relationship stop you from pursuing new ones.
4. You're not as qualified as you think.
After graduating and running your organization for 4 years and having a super high GPA, one would think every job would be fighting at the opportunity to hire you. NEWS FLASH: They aren't. Be okay with starting at the bottom and being the office bishhh for a little. Let your employers see your potential and they will help you get to higher ground over time.
5. If you can live on minimum wage in college, you can live on a salary in the real world.
Be conscious of what you're spending but don't get greedy or be stingy. Remember when you made $7.25 and could only work 25 hours a week in college? Yea, same. Somehow you made it through that and are here to tell the tale. Take a salary that is realistic AKA don't undersell or over ask on your first job salary.
6. Believe in your abilities!
You went to college and graduated (congrats!), you are capable of a whole heck of a lot. Don't get it in your head that you won't succeed. Everyone gets new job jitters or has a post grad come to Jesus moment. Take a deep breath and remember that everyone who is where you want to be started where you are. Ask for help along the way, but be prepared to experience challenges and successes you never thought you would!
7. Take chances!
Apply for your dream job, travel where you've never been, ask the cutie at the bar for their number, take out the boss at your dream company to lunch, go to networking events, take the time to figure out where you could see yourself in the future. Everyone says this is the time in your life to make changes and take risks. Now go take on the world and make yourself proud!