There's one thing I can say for sure about the first week of college; It's a learning experience! From the first night away from home to the first new friend, college is definitely an unforgettable time in our lives. I recently made the journey away from my hometown to move four hours away for college. It was a weird transition, but a lot of lessons have come out of it. These are some things that the first week of college has taught me:
It's Easy to Make Friends.
Leaving your BFFS since elementary school can seem scary. It's been so long since we have had to make new friends. I promise you, it's easier than it seems. This first week of college has made me realize how much everyone else wants to find friends too. Just say hi and introduce yourself to everyone. Go to all the events your campus is hosting and leave your dorm room door open while you're in it. You'll have a new squad in no time.
Saying Goodbye is Hard.
I don't know about you guys, but saying goodbye to my parents was one of the hardest things. EVER. It's a weird feeling because we have had them there for 18 years and now we are left all on our own. It's okay to be sad though. The best way to get over it is to keep yourself busy! Go hangout with your brand new friends and finish unpacking your dorm. Giving your mom a call the next day to tell her all the fun stuff you did will make you both feel better.
You're Going to Miss Out on Things.
It is impossible, I repeat, impossible, to go out every night and still do good in school! Don't do it. You'll fall behind and you'll regret it. Set aside at least one night to stay in or you will get burnt out really fast. With your parents gone, you'll have to be your own nagging mother telling yourself to do homework and clean your room. I'm not saying to miss out on the fun stuff, just make sure you do all of your homework BEFORE Friday night.
You May Get lost.. A Lot.
I decided to map my class and I ended up 20 minutes off campus. Thankfully, my brother picked me up and saved the day. But don't be like me. Go a day or two before class and be sure you know where you are going and the quickest way to get there. Find out the floor and the classroom as well.
College Classes Are Much Different Than High School Classes.
Being in a room with over 50 students is a change of classroom itself. Sitting in a lecture listening to one person may seem so different, but that can be good. Learning in college is very different from learning in high school. Nobody forces you to take notes, you just take them if you feel it's necessary. This makes learning feel like a lot more of a choice.
The first week of college teaches us many lessons, comment below some that you have had!