1. Don't set your expectations too high.
Let's be real, it's a shit show. Everyone pregames so hard that the actual events are a bunch of drunk people looking to get more drunk. Parties get busted and plans get ruined. Maybe it won't be a four day event, don't expect it to be the best time of your life.
2. Be different.
From playboy bunny to sexy cat. From Hugh Hefner to the classic basketball star. All costumes have been seen and done before. Be different, where the potato attire or the grandma look. Rock the silly look, the reasonable look that won't leave you freezing. Be daring, it's the one time of the year people encourage you to not be yourself. Step out of that comfort zone.
3. This might be a seven day extravaganza.
Yes, Halloweek is apparently a thing. No, Halloweek doesn't have to be seven nights of binge drinking and poor decisions. Watch a scary movie. Go to a pumpkin patch. Don't do anything you don't want to do and know that teachers don't take into consideration that it was Halloweek when you forget to turn in your paper.
4. Be careful.
Just because it's Halloween does not mean it's any more dangerous, but understand that it's a weekend which emphasizes the already strong desire to drink and party as a college student. Extra alcohol plus college students looking for more fun plus costumes can equal really bad decisions. Be careful what you drink and where you go.
5. Embrace what halloweek truly is.
Is it everything you ever wanted it to be and more? Probably not. I mean the fact that you have an essay due on Monday and an exam Thursday is rude wake up call in addition to your 48+hour hangover. Does it turn a bunch of college kids into happy-go-lucky people? Hell yeah. It is a regular college weekend on steroids, with inappropriate costumes and positive moods.
6. Most of all, keep yourself happy and enjoy the spirit of it all.