20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years

New year, new me.

20 Things I've Learned In 20 Years
Anastasia Dixon

Last year, as an ode to turning a year older, I wrote an article listing the 19 things I’d learned up until the age of 19 (you can read it here). This year, since my birthday is this weekend, I thought I would pay tribute to the new year of life again, except this time list 20 things since I will be 20. I do not know everything - even though my parents say I think I do - but hey, I’m learning new things about life and myself every single day.

1. Get a skincare routine. I know, this is something I should’ve done when I turned 13 but at least I’m doing it now.

2. Experiment with your hair, but NEVER cut your own bangs. Again, a lesson I should’ve learned a lot earlier in my life, but I have officially experienced it and regretted it.

3. But on that note, be able to laugh at yourself. Especially when your friends show you all of the old pictures of your bangs. Laugh it off, life is funny.

4. Yes, ice cream fixes everything, but limit how much it fixes.

5. Take off your makeup at night. (This one is from last year, but it’s too important not to put back in.) And on that note, wear sunscreen. Every day.

6. Popcorn is the best snack.

7. Make playlists and lots of them of all different kinds of music and moods. They come in handy.

8. Yes always strive to grow and change, but settling into who you always have been is ok, too.

9. Lean on God fully. Trust Him completely. Talk to Him daily. God wants that relationship with you, too.

10. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, support you, and genuinely care about you. And if someone wants to be that person for you, they will make it known. This goes for friendships and relationships.

11. Going to the movies is fun. Yeah yeah, I should’ve already known that but I didn’t.

12. Your family is the greatest gift you have been given. Cling to them and love them hard while you have them.

13. Meet new people as often as you can. Introduce yourself to them - it can be awkward at first, yes, but you aren’t the only one who feels that way, you’re in this together.

14. If you have anxiety, don’t let it hinder you from creating new experiences or relationships. I’m still learning this one.

15. Don’t play games. If you want to text him back, just do it.

16. Show people that you care. All the time. No one ever thought it was lame that you showed them you cared for them as a human being.

17. Serving other people doesn’t have to be large scale. It is oftentimes serving those around you in the little ways, however, they may need it: an ear to listen, a late-night brownie delivery, a hug, whatever it is.

18. You can outgrow relationships - and that is okay.

19. Let yourself feel happy and accept love whenever you can.

20. Lastly, love yourself whenever you can.

To be completely honest, when I look back on the past 19 years as I enter ear 20, I can say for certain that I did not think I would make it this far. I have been through times so difficult I sometimes felt as though I couldn’t see the end of the tunnel.

But I always made it and now I am turning 20. Here’s to two decades of lessons learned, lots of love, and laughing louder than anyone else in the room.

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