I just had my 20th birthday and looking back on everything that has happened to me these past 2 decades, everything that tried to tear me down but made me for instead, I was able to see how much I have grown and how thankful I am for it. Here are the most important things I have learned these past 20 years.
1. Never Let Anyone Rewrite Your Story
There will always be people in this world that will try to rewrite your truths for you. This kind of manipulation is not okay, so remember that your truths are your truths, not theirs.
2. Put The Pad On The Swiffer
I forgot to do this at one of my first jobs...don't be like me because you will never live it down.
3. Don't Choose Your Major Based On Money
It will never make you happy in the end. Love the work you do, don't live by a dollar sign.
4. That Chocolate Bar Isn't Going To Kill You
When you're younger, your body has probably the best metabolism of your life. I remember being one of those young teenage girls worrying endlessly about my weight and I missed out on a lot because of it. Listen here, droning that one milkshake won't kill you, eating that candy bar won't determine your worth.
5. A Man Doesn't Determine Your Worth
You were you before you met him, don't forget to still be you after he leaves.
7. Never Talk Down About Yourself
Talking negatively about yourself lowers your self worth and it ruins your mental health in the long run. Tell yourself you love yourself in the mirror at least once a day to combat that.
9. Leave At The First Sign Of Danger
My parents used to always tell me that if you don't like something about someone when you're dating them, it'll only get worse when you're married. Don't settle for less than what you deserve.
10. Stop Using The Phrase "Guilty Pleasures"
Love what you love and whoever shames your loving something is just not meant to be in your life.
12. Don't Have A Date For An Event? Take A Friend!
I stopped worrying about dates because bring your friends is honesty so drama free and fun anyway!
13. Dress For Success
Dress cute for yourself, it raises your self esteem! You'll feel great and look great!
15. Love Yourself Without Makeup Before You Start Wearing It
I've worn makeup my entire life (no joke) and it wasn't until college when I started feeling comfortable enough with my face naturally. My advice, learn to love your face before you start covering, it helps your self esteem.
16. "You'll Never Know Unless You Try"
I live by this motto anymore because it's true. You will miss out on so many opportunities if you don't try things at least once in your life. You'll make new memories from it and grow as a person, so do the thing!!!!
17. Don't Fall For The First Boy Who "Wants To Marry You One Day"
it never lasts and you'll just end up hurt in the end
19. Tell Everyone You Love That You Love Them
You'll never know in life how much time you have with someone. Tell them how you feel before it's too late.
20. Choose A College That's Right For YOU, Not For Someone Else
Don't follow a boy or friends, live your own life!!!