As my 20th birthday fast approaches, and the second decade of my life comes to a close, I look back on my years with fondness and a little, or a lot, embarrassment. I would not say that I am perfect, or even remotely qualified to be giving advice, but I have learned some helpful things along the way that may help someone in need, because I sure could have used the help.
Everything happens for a reason.
Where you are today would not have happened if it wasn't for the things that happened yesterday. Was that deep? No? Sorry. But seriously, every moment you have lived has shaped you into who you are. That time when you got fired from that job you were awful at? Also shaped your life, and taught you that you should never take care of children. Remember that time you ate a whole cake by yourself? That certainly shaped you (literally).
Your parents are always right (most of the time).
Trust me. Even when you think they are wrong, they are right in some sense. So my advice to you is to call your parents. They've been with you since birth, literally, and nine times out of ten they know what is best for you. The least that you can do is give them a call on the walk home from dinner to your room once a week. Even if they do talk your ear off the whole time.
Don't be afraid to stick up for yourself.
You know what you want, so go out there and get it (is this corny yet?). Don't let anyone take what you want away from you or treat you any less than you are. Whatever it may be, a job, a grade on a test, that last piece of pizza, whatever it is, make sure you try your hardest to get what you want.
Treat yo self.
You deserve it. "You should go and freaking love yourself." - Justin Bieber
Going to the gym is a good idea.
Pretending that the second box of pizza didn't happen, doesn't mean that it didn't. It is important to take care of yourself, even if getting on the treadmill will takes a little piece of your soul. You'll thank me when that freshman 15 doesn't become the sophomore 30. Working out can sometimes be fun!...... haha.... Even if only for the illusion that you're actually being productive.
Use protection
This should go without saying. Take care of yourself. Make sure that you are treating yourself with the respect you deserve you beautiful, mysterious, rainbow.
Wrap it up.
Friends will come and go.
It's hard losing anyone, but whether its growing apart or a bad break, you need to remember that you will change and so will other other people, and soon enough you will find people who understand you for exactly who you are.
It's okay not to be okay.
You don't have to walk around with a smile on your face all the time and pretend that everything is OK. It's OK to snap and be mad. It's OK to express your feelings and tell people how you really feel. Empower yourself. It feels good.
Don't center your life around boys.
Obsess over that hot frat guy for a week, not a year. Don't let boys dictate what you do with your life. Go to the gym for yourself, put on a cute outfit for yourself, wear expensive makeup for yourself. Hoes before bros.
Be independent.
Eventually you are going to be on your own *silently screams* and you will have to figure out how to do things for yourself. Figure out how to wash your clothes without running the colors, watch a YouTube tutorial on how to plunge a toilet or learn how to boil water for goodness sake, just do something for yourself and you will feel more accomplished about your life.
There's always more to learn.
As much as we all pretend we know it all, we don't. Keep your mind open to different opinions, new people, and things that scare you and the lessons will keep coming.