As already or soon-to-be college grads, graduating from high school seems like it was yesterday and forever ago all at the same time. I remember how things were at the end of my senior year of high school; everyone was excited about where we were all going and anxious about what lay ahead. Now that college is over, no one could have expected where we all are today. As our college years draw to a close, I thought it would be a good idea to do some reflecting about all that has happened in these past four years. Here are ten things I learned in asking ten high school friends to reflect on their college careers:
1. We grew as people in college more than we ever had before.
"I get everyone's journeys are different and traditional four years of college are not for everyone, but, personally, I've grown so much as a person because of it."
We have made it to the other side changed people because of what we went through and endured in college. We may have been told in high school that college would change us, but I don’t think any of us understood to what extent. We may barely be able to recognize the anxious freshman that each of us once was in comparison to who we have grown to be. All of us have grown so much as people, which is honestly one of the coolest things to see.
2. We learned about who we are and how to be confident in that.
"College taught me to be confident in who I am and not care what others think of me."
Even if we all are still learning about ourselves and who we are, college taught us to be our own person. It taught us to not let others get in the way of being our true selves.
3. Not only did we learn about ourselves, but others too.
"A major thing that college has taught me is to always look at a situation from two or more points of view. Everyone has their own thoughts about a situation and we all need to be open-minded to what others think."
"I learned what my expectations are for both myself and for other people. I learned that it is okay to be selective when it comes to choosing friends. If you do what you love and are true to yourself, the right people will naturally gravitate towards you and become your friends."
College opened our eyes and allowed us to experience new conversations and interactions with people, those whom we would never have had the opportunity to connect with in high school. These new situations taught us more about different cultures, the world around us and, most importantly, the people in this world.
4. The most important lessons we learned occurred outside the classroom.
"I always looked at college as strictly doing more schooling to earn your degree and learn about the field that you’re going into. Throughout my experience at college, I learned about so many aspects of myself: who I am/my identity, my values, my passions, my strengths/weaknesses, etc."
The classroom aspect of our college career was important and we all needed to gain that knowledge for our careers. But, honestly, when it comes down to it, the lessons we learned outside of the classroom will be the ones we remember the most.
5. We went through some difficult things in college, things we didn’t think we would have to go through. But we overcame.
"[Through difficult circumstances] I became a strong advocate for myself and others, developed the ability to approach difficult situations with rationality and grace, and learned the impact that quiet and well-thought-out calls for change can have."
Nobody can predict the hardships in life, especially those that may happen during our college years. Even though difficult circumstances arose during these years, I think we all came out from the other side a little bit wiser because of them.
6. For those of us who had the opportunity, studying abroad was the most important thing we did during college.
"Without studying abroad for a semester and meeting people from all over the world, I would not be the person I am today."
Our semesters studying abroad were really where the most learning took place--we learned more about ourselves and the world in those few months than in our entire lives.
7. We learned how important friendships really are.
"In college, I also learned how important friendships and connections can be. The friends you make in college can have a major impact on your life because they are there with you through the highs and lows of college."
When it boils down to it, friendships and human connections were vital in shaping who we were to become. No one can do college on their own. Learning more about friendships not only helped us make new, lifelong friends in college, but also helped to strengthen the bonds shared with old friends.
8. It feels amazing and exhilarating to be done with college, but terrifying at the same time.
"It’s exciting and terrifying [to be done with college]. Literally the whole world is open to me. I could move anywhere and have fewer ties to one certain location than I will at any other time in my life. But it’s also really nerve-racking to not know what I am going to be doing in four months."
"When you start college, you know when you’re going to be done and where you’re going to be for the next 4-5 years. That kind of goes out the window when you graduate, whether you have a job lined up or not."
Mixed emotions were the story of our lives all throughout college and this anxiety continues even as we finish. Excited, nervous, and terrified all at the same time, we step out into the world, ready or not for what’s next.
9. We are excited for a new sense of independence after college.
"I am most excited for living on my own and figuring out my own direction. I am excited to be more independent, even though this is very scary. There are so many opportunities and new things to experience. I know the "real-world" will be stressful, but I look forward to what the future holds."
"I think I’m most excited for starting a life of my own. Being able to support myself and live on my own is a really exciting thought."
It’s finally time to put our degree and everything we learned about ourselves into practice, to find a new routine and to continue to build and strengthen meaningful relationships. We can now truly live our own lives and spend our free time however we'd like, the best part, of course, being NO HOMEWORK!
10. No one could have guessed back in high school what the future would hold.
"I never expected to be in the position I am in; however, I think that my high school self would have been very proud and happy that this is where I ended up at graduation."
"I have developed greatly from my experiences in college, and I would not have been able to predict where I am today if asked after my high school graduation. College allowed me to explore different parts of myself, grow in confidence, and explore different avenues."
Although some of us knew what career path we would be trekking down right out of high school, others had no earthly clue. Regardless, I think we can all agree that no one could have guessed exactly how much we would learn and who we grow into as people.
Just like when we were back graduating high school, we are all doing different things after college, going to different places and approaching new avenues of life. We all still have big dreams and aspirations, things we will continue to work towards until they become reality. The most beautiful part about it all is that God still has an amazing plan for every one of us, no matter what we end up doing in our new lives as college grads.