Dependence is defined by as “the state of relying on or needing someone or something for aid, support, or the like”. As human beings, there are lots of things that we depend on in our day to day life. As a college student living at home, I depend on my parents for money, a place to live, free food, support, and love. We all depend on our friends for comfort and support. Social media is what we depend on for our daily dose of information. We hope and depend on our education to get us somewhere in life. The list goes on and on. However in this article, I want to zone in on one type of dependence, and that is dependence on God’s Word.
My whole life I have been told that I need to read my Bible day and night. While I know this and believe it as true: God’s word is important. I have never really known any other reason why I should read it. It has just been something I’ve done and hoped that I would one day reap the rewards of it.
In my quiet time, I have been walking through the book of Psalms. I finally landed in Psalms 119 and suddenly its all clear. This chapter is ALL about God’s Word. With that being said, here are 4 lessons I have learned about God’s Word that have taught be to be dependent on The Word from Psalm 119.
1. No one, no not one, takes God’s Word as serious as it is deserving
Psalms 119:2 says “How blessed are those who observe His testimonies who seek Him with ALL their heart”. I don’t know about any of you but I don’t know of anything that I seek with my entire heart. Can you imagine how rich your life would be if you sought after The Word like that? Verse 4 says “Thou hast ordained Thy precepts that we should keep them diligently”. Diligent means constant in the effort. Does any of us work day and night to grow our walk with The Lord? I know I don’t. Lastly, verse 47 says “And I shall delight in Thy commandment which I love”. Um, excuse me? Delight? Love? Who reading this loves God’s commandments? I am not saying that I hate them or anything. However when I read God’s commands, I don’t say “Yes! That makes my spirit happy”. Nowhere in me likes rules. I am not naturally wired like that.
2. There is power in The Word
You probably just thought “Well duh, Michelle. That’s obvious”. And yes, I do realize that this is something that anyone who has spent any amount of time in the church has heard and known is their head. However, how many of you live in that power? Draw strength from that power? Verse 25 of this chapter says “My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me according to Thy word”. Verse 28 says “My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen me according to Thy word”. And verse 50 says “This is my comfort in affliction, that Thy word has revived me”.
Take a second and read those over. How comforting and awesome is that to realize that God’s Word has power. Power to revive, to bring back to life, to heal, to comfort, to relief your pain. I challenge you to live in that power today!
3. The Word and God’s commandments can be enjoyable. The more you read God’s Word, the more you will want to!
Psalms 119:10-11 “With all my heart I have sought Thee; Do not let me wander from Thy commandments. Thy word I have treasured in my heart, That I may now sin against you”.
Psalms 119:20 “My soul is crushed with longing after Thine ordinances at all times”.
Psalms 119:48 “And I shall lift up my hands to Thy commandments, which I love”.
Psalms 119:72 “The law of Thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
When I first read and studied these verses, I was discouraged. I did not have this deep of a love and joy for reading God’s word. But then, God reminded me in Romans 8 that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I have no reason to be ashamed. You know why? It’s my choice. I am as dependent on the Word of God as I WANT to be! I have to wake up every day and decide that I am going to enjoy His word and grow in enjoyment regularly. Read Psalms 119:30-32 for further proof!
4. Being dependent on God’s Word leads to growth!
This may be self-explanatory but obvious lessons like this are always the most helpful to me. Like I just said, the more you read God’s word, they more you’ll want to read it: that is growth! Here are some more verses to help me out. Verse 9 says “How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it (his way) according to Thy word”.
The Word is our guide; it is how we know how and where to walk! Verses 36-38 say “Incline my heart to Thy testimonies and not to dishonest gain, turn away my eyes from looking at vanity, and revive me in Thy ways. Establish Thy word to Thy servant as that which produces reverence for Thee”. By turning our eyes and our ears to God’s word, we become rooted in His word and His ways!
Finally two of my favorite verses in this chapter: 59-60 say “I considered my ways, and turned my feet to Thy testimonies. I hastened and did not delay to keep Thy commandments”. I want to be at a place where I can say that this verse represents me. I want to be soaked and deeply grounded in The Word that I am able to look at the way I’m going and then instinctively turn back towards God’s Way!
Too easily in my life, I chose to be dependent on worthless things. I run to my phone for comfort, or my family for security when God has clearly shown and promised that if you will just be dependent on Him, He will satisfy your every need, and desire. What have you been running to for comfort, love, fulfillment, acceptance, etc. that God intended His word to fulfill?
To end I will quote my good friend John Piper “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him”. Therefore, God is most glorified when we LOVE His word and long for His commands. And vice versa, God being glorified through us fuels our desire to get in His word!
What lessons from The Word have you learned lately? Share them with me in the comment section!
"Scripture is taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman foundation. Used by permission."