2017 is a brand new year. That means a 365 days to learn, grow, live, and love. A whole year to learn who you are and what you stand for. A whole year to grow into the person you've always dreamed of being. A whole year to live every day to its full potential. A whole year to love yourself and others with your whole entire heart. It's time to leave negativity behind and time to let go of the heavy things of the past. Sure there will be times of bitterness in this life, but what's important is that you try to find sweetness in them.
1. Be kind to others, even if they haven't been kind to you. They are often the people who need it most.

2. Take time to invest in yourself before relying on others for happiness.

3. Let go of people and things that make you feel lesser. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

4. Love yourself first and don't surround yourself with people who leave you feeling empty.

5. Look on the bright side and grow from difficult situations. Nothing is permanent, including struggles.

6. Take the good with the bad and understand that everything happens for a reason.

7. Stop talking down about others to feel better about yourself. We were all created to be unique and bashing someone else won't make you love who you are.

8. Realize that you are so much more than a pretty face. Be proud of the things that make you unique and who you are.

9. Stay strong. Life is hard but growth can always be found through trials.

10. Stop focusing so much on the material things. Live big and love even bigger because that's all that matters at the end of the day.

11. Don't doubt yourself. You were created for a greater purpose and you are here for a reason.

12. Celebrate each other. You gain nothing from putting others down and the last thing this world needs is more hatred and cruelty.

13. Work hard for yourself but remember to give back to others when you can. What goes around always comes back around.

14. Learn to gracefully let go of things not meant for you.

15. Work hard and follow your dreams, but stay humble along the way.

16. If they leave you behind when you need them most, let them go.

17. Stay soft in a world that is constantly trying to harden you. Love yourself and others as well. Appreciate the good while you have it and grow from the bad when it comes. Embrace every opportunity that comes your way this year and live every moment to the fullest.

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