In most cases, every child favors one parent more than the other. Sometimes the favoring is by mere choice, while in other cases it is due to causes by God and the universe. I have always been a "daddy's girl." My dad and I have had a pretty solid relationship, to say the least. He raised my older brother and I for thirteen years as a single parent, so he was the only parent that I truly had. Despite all the arguments, backtalk, and embarrassing moments, I can honestly say that my dad is my best friend and confidant. My dad is not my best friend due to the fact that he stuck around to raise one boy and one girl who are five years apart, but he is my best friend for all the lessons that he has taught me along the way. So to that I simply want to say, "thanks, Papa Bear," because I know that I never say it enough.
My dad has always had my back -- from name calling and hurt feelings on the playground, to actual broken arms and skinned-up knees -- he has picked me up and taught me how to stand my ground. He taught me what it meant to be strong: mentally, emotionally, and physically.
He taught me that life will not always seem fair. Sometimes you lose while other times you win, yet you never let the fear of failing stand in your way. My dad taught me what it means to think before you speak. He emphasized how ones' tone, attitude, and word choice can impact someone.
Standing up for who you are and who you want to be was one thing that my father drilled into me. He made sure that I knew that successful people can come from rough backgrounds when they stay focused and determined to achieve greatness. My father never let me quit and would always say, "You're a Goforth, you can't quit!"
In addition to chasing dreams, my dad taught me the idea that you are never too old or too young to try something new in life. Whether you decide to start a new career at 56 or come up with a life plan at 17, both are totally acceptable. Life will bring its own changes, yet you are never too old or young to adjust your goals.
He taught me how to forgive, and to forgive, and forgive, and forgive even when it hurts. My dad emphasized the value of happiness and how one cannot move on and be happy until forgiveness is at hand. He also taught me the importance of second chances but the need to always keep your guard up.
One of my father's greatest lessons would be the lesson of searching for greatness. He taught me that I deserved respect, honor and love, and to not settle for a man who would not uphold those characteristics. My dad brought light to what it means to truly love someone and how to cherish that moment when it comes. He taught me to value myself and to stay confident in who I am, no matter what. He taught me the meaning of self-worth.
Despite butting-heads and arguing, I have realized the importance of all the lessons that my father taught me. Being away from home these past two years, I have taken note when each of these lessons have shown themselves -- and this is just the beginning. I am truly thankful for my dad. I am thankful to have him as a best friend, confidant, my biggest fan, mentor, and guide. I am thankful for everything he has sacrificed and fought for. So on that note, thanks dad, thank you for everything.