If you have met my Granny, you know she is simply an amazing person. Whether she is hosting teenage girls at her house (the best girls trip place is her farm) or driving hours to be at a piano recital for one of her grandkids, Granny is the best.
I wanted to share a few things I have learned from her, because she is so wise and a certified genius.
1. How to grow a reallll good tomato
Granny is a master of gardening. She is humble about it, but secretly has the recipe for success on gardening.
2. How to bake the perfect shortcake
Strawberry shortcake? Peach shortcake? You name the kind of shortcake and Granny knows how to cook up the perfect shortcake for every occasion.
3. How to speak Italian, French, English, Latin...
Granny loves languages. She speaks just about every language (I think...)! If she does not know the language, she will just Rosetta Stone it and get back to you!
4. How to be proper
"Stomach in, chest out!" I have heard that quote about 100 times in the past three years. I love it. I think about it when I walk or present myself. Granny truly is royalty deep down.
5. How to negotiate
If Granny really wants something, she will go on a long rant about how badly she needs it in a really sweet tone of voice you cannot say no to. I love that and want to learn how to do it just like her!
6. How to sit still
Ok... maybe I have not learned this yet, but the morning coffee hours sure are teaching me how to (slowly).
7. How to drive a truck
I still may not be the best at it, but Granny taught me how to drive her Ford F150 and that is a lot of trust that she had in me!
8. How to make the most of a trip
She took me to Italy. She made it the best week of my life. She knows how to travel!
9. How to fake nice
Granny is amazing at acting superrrr nice even though she may not like you. She does the funniest voice with this forced smile... I love it!
10. How to love others well
Granny has been there for me in everything. She is my rock. She knows me and loves me despite my flaws. Granny is the best of the best.
Get you a grandma like Granny and you will be the happiest granddaughter in the world. Or if you are not as lucky as I am, at least get you a Granny half as amazing.