1. Greet your loved ones.
GiphyNo matter how long you've been apart, greet your loved one like it's been years!
2. Always seize the chance to adventure.
Go for those joy rides! When a fun opportunity presents itself, seize it!
3. Enjoy the wind in your hair.
It's one of the best feelings ever to roll down those car windows and feel the wind in your hair and against your skin. So who cares about wind blown hair?! Have fun!
4. Take naps...
We all deserve to curl up and take a nap. Especially with our favorite people or pup.
5. Stretch out.
GiphyA nice big stretch always feels amazing! And don't be ashamed of any spontaneous noises that come with a good stretch.
6. Don't be ashamed of who you are!
Let your freak flag fly! It's okay to be weird or different! People you love will love you for just being you
7. Have fun every single day!
Live everyday like it'll be your last! Just make the best of life and have buckets of fun!
8. Give others a chance to get close.
No one can live life entirely alone, so give others a shot and get close to someone.
9. Don’t bite if a growl is sufficient...
There will be some people that get on your nerves, but instead of going right for the bite, maybe just give a little growl. In human talk, don't go straight to yelling and shouting. Just give a nice reminder that you don't like what they're doing right now.
10. Drink lots of water and stay cool on hot days.
We all know that those hot days can make us just want to say inside, but others love laying out in the sun! Just make sure to stay cool and refreshed!
11. When you're happy, show it!
Nothing is bad about showing your happiness. So if you're in a good, happy mood let it beam from your head down to your feet.
12. Have a grand ol' time on a walk or run!
Exercise might not be everyone's favorite thing to do, but it's always good to go outside. It can be especially fun when you have a special someone or special pup to share it with.
13. Be loyal.
Man's best friend. Dogs are known for their loyalty. If we could all be as loyal to each other as dogs, then the world might be a much better place.
14. When a friend had a bad day, cuddle and listen.
Sometimes we can try too hard to cheer up a friend when they've had a bad day when all they want is some cuddling and someone to rant to. That's why it's so easy to talk to a dog because all they want to do is make you feel better with some cuddles. So take a lesson from your dog and next time that friends had a bad day, cuddle and listen.
15. If something you want is buried, dig for it...
Okay maybe not literally, but figuratively. Sometimes we have to work hard to achieve a goal or dream, so take advice from all the wonderful pups and keep digging until you've achieved that goal or dream.
If we all take the advice of these wonderful, adorable creatures than maybe the world will become a much brighter place! Now go hug a pupper for me!