High school may not be an easy time for everyone. However, for a lot of people from my small hometown, high school was the best thing to happen to us. A driver's license, a tank of gas, and money for McDonald's after the game were all we really needed.
High school was so easy. It was simple. I knew I had everything figured out, but boy was I so wrong. If only I had the knowledge I thought I had when I was in high school. If I could go back in time and tell my high school self how it really is, it would go something like this.
Dear high school me,
First, I want to tell you to enjoy every single second of these next four years.
Whether something good or bad is happening, cherish every second of it. It will with either give you the greatest high or teach you the best lesson.
Second, I want to warn and protect you from the heartbreaks that you’ll experience from friends as well as significant others.
That first serious boyfriend? It won’t last. Eventually, you’ll realize he wasn’t the one for you. This lesson will be painful, and you’ll lose some people you love along the way. I know that sounds rough, but you will be okay. The heartbreaks with boys don't end there: your next relationship, which seems to be perfect, goes through absolute Hell. It starts with the small bickering, then the full out fighting. You go hours without talking to each other. You start hanging out with other people. In the end, though, you work it out. Besides, if there’s a will, there’s a way.
You will also experience the ultimate heartbreak of all: death. You are going to lose a few of the most beautiful souls. It’s true when they say, “Only the good die young.” The worst part is that it all happens so fast. When you experience the death of one of your best friends at 16-years-old, it will blindside you every time, despite the fact that it may happen three times in two years. The thing about a loss at such a young age, is that you never really get over it. It’s a different kind of pain you experience, and it haunts you. You have so many questions that you never get an answer to. You will understand what it’s like to be sad, angry, and confused all in one. You never get used to it; you just learn how to deal with the loss. I just want you to know that you now have three beautiful, perfect guardian angels watching you from above. They are there to protect you and look out for you. They are still there, you just can’t see them. Embrace them in your everyday life.
The passions you strongly held onto will eventually fade away. You’ll serve your last serve, dig your last save, pitch your last pitch, score your last point, and shake hands for the last time. You’ll hang up your jersey for the last time, which will come a lot sooner than you are prepared for. However, you will find different ways to embrace those passions. You will learn how to distil your passion in the younger kids that have the wild spirit to achieve it.
Third, I want you to know that everything is going to be okay.
You will make it. Everything will work out as it should. It's not going to happen on your time, but time will heal everything as it needs to be. You will learn a lot of lessons throughout high school. You won't be as trusting, but you'll be more grateful for things that you used to take for granted. The high school drama will not matter once you graduate. In the next couple of years, your boyfriend becomes your fiance. He becomes your main support system and your most dependable person. You still see your best friend when she comes home for breaks and it seems as if she never left. You keep in touch with your favorite people and make even more wonderful memories. Keep your head up, girl.
Your future, more experienced self.
I went through a lot in high school, and I continue to go through a lot throughout my life. I know in the end, it will all be okay. God gives His mightiest warriors the toughest battles. I know I have many memories to cherish and many things to look forward to. I encourage everyone to write a letter to your high school self; it will make you think in a whole new way and appreciate the easy and simple days.