Growing up, my mom was reluctant to allow me to get involved with the Harry Potter series. The concepts of witchcraft and the dark plot line left her hesitant to expose her young child to the series, but after some pleading from my dad, my mom caved and let me watch the first movie. From there, we were hooked. For a series that at first seemed dark and forbidding, my family soon came to find that the movies were relatable, held deep truths about humanity, and were enthralling in a way that amassed cult followings. Watching the movies and reading the books, it became evident to me that I could learn several important lessons, especially any time Dumbledore opened his mouth to offer wisdom.
Life cannot truly be lived while obsessing over desires.
As Harry found while staring into the mirror during his first semester at Hogwarts, we miss the things right in front of us when we cannot look beyond our wants. Whether we want to lose weight, make more money, or obtain certain grades or achievements, the moment we allow these things to become the focus of our lives is the moment we stop really living.
Help can be found in the darkest of times; one must only ask.
Harry had no shortage of allies. No matter what obstacles he faced, Harry had aid. Sometimes in life, we face things that seem impossible. We cannot imagine how we will emerge from these situations alive, but we are never truly alone. All we have to do is ask for people.
Our choices, not our innate abilities, define our character.
When Voldemort killed Harry's parents, he thought he was following fate, but the truth is that he chose his path. Harry was born "the chosen one," but Dumbledore was correct in predicting that Neville would be the bravest of all the characters. It may seem that we are born to be a certain way, but our choices reveal more about us than our God-given qualities.
Love is far more powerful than hate.
Nothing is more powerful in changing the world than love.