On a cool fall evening over a year ago, I stepped outside on my porch, and the first thing I saw was an adorable calico kitten and her two siblings. Both pleasantly shocked and surprised, I eagerly approached them, only to get softly hissed at by the calico kitten, whose name would later become Tortie.
Little did I know, that sassy little kitten would play a huge part in my life a year down the road. Since I met Tortie on my porch that chilly evening, she has brought me so much sass, snuggles, and happiness.
Not only has she become my joy and my best friend. Over the past year and a half, Tortie has helped me through some rough times and she has taught me these 11 things.
1. Don't Take Anything From Anyone
Tortie has never been an aggressive cat, but she knows not to take it from anyone. I’ve seen her show that trait several times while fighting with our other cat, Rosie.
2. Walk Like You Are The Boss
All cats are sure of one thing: that they are in control of almost all things. Tortie is no exception at all to that rule.
3. Act Like Royalty
This is one of Tortie’s specialties. I meant it when I said she was sassy, but it’s one of the things that I adore about her.
4. Chase The Things You Want
Whether it be mice, red dot, that dream job or whatever else it could be you want in life, just chase it. Chase it, and don’t stop until you have it. You know, unless it’s a red dot. That’s kind of more a cat thing.
5. Through a cat’s eyes, all things belong to cats
And I mean ALL things. Your space, your food, and well...even your headphones. *facepalm emoji*
6. Live Freely
Of course, cats tend to be free-spirited and independent animals. No matter what you tell them, they’ll either do the complete opposite of what you say or just not do anything at all. Depends on what mood they’re in, I suppose.
7. Long Naps Are Essential
I envy cats in this department. Cats can usually sleep between 12 to 16 hours a day. In summary, their worries only consist of sleeping, being fed, cared for and cuddled with. Let me tell you, my cat for sure has it made.
8. Curiosity Doesn’t Always Kill The Cat
It’s good to be curious and open-minded. Curiosity is another known trait that cats have. It happens so often that us humans hold back things we want to do because we are scared. We only get as far as being curious, and then be left to wonder what could have been.
9. Always insist on the best.
We should ALL have this mindset. We often settle for things less than what we are deserving of. Definitely something I learned from my angel muffin demon cat.
10. Reach For The Stars, and by stars I mean food.
Sure, reaching for the stars is cool and all, but food is much better. I only say this because let’s face it, anyone who is a cat owner knows that eating food with a cat is difficult.
11. Love Conquers All.
Really no explanation needed here. As sassy as cats can be, they are also filled with so much love. And hearing Tortie’s roaring purr when I come home is one of the best things in the world.