Bob’s Burgers is one of the most popular animated sitcom currently on tv, but the show’s 13-year-old daughter Tina Belcher is very dear to me. Whether she is groaning her famous “uuuuhh” or hitting on Jimmy Jr, she brings me great joy. Tina is able to show us all to express our sexuality and being confident in ourselves especially since it means accepting our peculiarity. Tina embraces her interest (zombies, horses, boys, and butts) and will do the most to take risks. Tina is a great example of not letting standards stop you from what you really want in life.
Here are 11 lessons that you can learn from by Tina Belcher.
1. “I am a smart, strong, sensual woman.”
Try your best to realize your self-worth and be confident in it.
2. “I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else.”
But also remember it doesn’t hurt to be humble.
3. “What kind of maniac wakes up an hour early to write erotic fanfiction?” “Me.”
Be true to yourself, have no shame in what you enjoy even if it is a little embarrassing.
4. “What’s wrong with the boys from your school?” “I need fresh faces. And fresh butts.”
Broaden your horizons. It’s totally okay to go out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences.
5. “I’m both attracted to and intimated by Jimmy Jr.’s interpretive mating dance.”
If you have a crush, go for it. It never hurts to try and if it doesn’t work then look below.
6. “I don’t need a boy to pay attention to me. I’ll pay attention to myself.”
You don’t need anyone to make you happy and if a 13-year-old girl can realize it, you can too.
7. “They may look random, but they’re my phone number.”
Don’t be afraid to be a little funny here and there, especially when you’re making moves.
8. “I’ve logged over 3,000 fantasy hours on my relationship with Jimmy Jr. You don’t just throw it away.”
As creepy as it may seem, Tina is right. You stick to your goals and to accomplish them!
9. “Great it’s a date, I’ll see you then. We’ll get coffee.”
Even for Tina, coffee helps get her through the day (just like most college students).
10. “Hi, I’m Tina. I like horses, music, and boys.”
Remember to be proud of what you’re into and who you are.