Senior year of college is the most emotional year, it's your "last" everything as a college student unless you're planning to attend grad school. This last year will b overwhelming as you don't know what the future holds for you and many questions will pop up and leave you with anxiety and late night talks with yourself.
As back-to-school season peaks around the corner, I wanted to share a few things that I learned along the road to my senior year of college.
1. Work hard freshman to junior year
Working hard as you enter college, really makes your life easier during senior year. When many people enter college, they lose their sense of priorities, don't be that person. You have a lot to worry about the final year, so getting harder classes out of the way help and knowing you did great the last three years and kept up your GPA will help you ease through your senior year.
2. Internships really do matter
If you're just entering college, know that finding an internship can be a very important thing to do while at college. It helps you network with people in your career field and gives you the experience you need to enter the workforce.
3. Being involved in your universities clubs and organizations are worth it
Take them seriously and be involved. When you graduate you'll thank yourself for it because you never know what opportunity it'll bring you and you learn a few things through them.
4. You'll know who your real friends are
Not everyone you meet at college will have the best interest of you, so keep that in mind! Tons of people come in and out of your lives, and it's for a reason. When you become a senior, the number of friends you had freshmen year, become slim.
5. Take a lot of pictures
Through your college years, you want to take as many pictures and videos as you can. These memories will be great to look at from years ahead.
6. Actively seek advice
Either it's from your parents or your professors, seeking advice your senior year on many things can be helpful. This is the time to really use your resources, take advantage of everything you have. Listen to what others have to say, but don't feel like you have to do what they want.
7. You might still be clueless
It's okay if you have no clue about what to do next. Questions like "What kind of jobs do I apply for?" "Should I move or should I stay?" Don't fret, the best thing you can do it know that things will work out and take your time figuring things out.
8. Time flies
Enjoy every second of it, because you can't go back in time and wish you did something you didn't. Go out more and spend more time with your friends and have fun. But don't let senioritis get you… it's very contagious.
9. Turning your weakness into strengths will help you.
Do more of what you hate or what you aren't good at. This is the year to truly improve yourself, so get on it!
10. Everything will be fine
I know you're scared, I am too. But know that you just finished college, something you were doubting when you were a freshman, so that's a great accomplishment. Keep positive about the future. You'll do great.
Good luck to all the seniors and student's entering college!