613.7 miles. That's how far I was from my best friend after we graduated from high school. Some people don’t go through this separation like I did. That’s either because they are lucky enough to go to the same school as their best friend, or they aren’t lucky enough to have a relationship with a person like I do with my best friend.
We were inseparable for all of high school—pretty much attached at the hip. I was at her house every night, and the nights I wasn’t, she was at mine. Both of our parents saw each of us as a second daughter; mainly because that’s what we were — family.
She and I always laughed about the day when we’d go our separate ways after high school as she went to a big state school and I travelled up the coast to a small liberal arts college in Virginia. I remember my dad always asking what on earth were we going to do without one another. Until the very moment we had to say our goodbyes, I don’t think we ever faced the harsh reality of it.
We weren’t just saying goodbye to each other. We were saying farewell to a majority of our childhood. All of those long nights laughing at each other’s absurdities all while building up one another in confidence were now just memories.
Now, I’m not just going to get all sappy here and talk on for 500-words about how much I love my best friend. I still talk to her every day and we are as close as we ever have been. I do think, however, that the thing to reflect on from that friendship is the importance of time.
We’ve only got so much of it. We all have those days when a single day can feel like a lifetime as we continuously fight our way through the problems and annoyances that tend to find us more often than not. But the thing about time is that it never stops moving, despite how slow each hour, or even minute, feels. All time passes, and what we choose to do with it can really define who we are as individuals.
I’m not saying that this means we all need to sit down and write a bucket list consisting of skydiving and bull riding sorts of experiences. Unless that’s how you enjoy spending your time — more power to you if that is the case. All I urge is to consider how you spend your time and ensure it makes you happy. The world could use a little bit more happiness nowadays.
Be fearless. Love with all you have. Because, when it comes down to it, love is the only raw thing we as humans have to give to the world. Whether it be your best friend, your enemy, or yourself, cherish the time you have in this life. Because it is a beautiful one.