A Lesson In Advanced Citizenship
By Christopher Bartlett
With all the controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful protest during the national anthem, it struck me as odd that something covered by the Constitution would draw such controversy. It seems people remember Constitutional Rights only when it serves them.
But as Michael Douglas said in his final speech as President, Andrew Shepard, in The American President, “America is advanced citizenship.”
He went on to explain that it is because the Constitution does not protect just the speech we like, the religion we practice, the privacy of those we like, or just the rights of the media we read or watch. It protects everyone.
It doesn’t mean we always agree with what is being said, worshiped, or reported. But we should be civil in disagreeing. And, look closely at what is being said, as well as why is it being done. Especially in the case of protests. And, if we disagree with the protests then organize a counter protest that is peaceful...As the Constitution allows for.
Trust me, there are a ton of groups that say things that I don’t agree with. I respect that they have the right to say it. But, I also know I have the right to speak against them. And, I do so as civilly as I can. Though I will admit, like with everyone sometimes, my emotions have gotten the better of me in some cases. But, I try to remember to be civil. Something we seem to be losing sight of in this country. As well as the fact that the Constitution protects us all even those we don’t agree.
I am thankful for the men and women in uniform that defend mine, and everyone’s, rights to do what we do in this country every day. This includes the right to not stand during the national anthem. We don’t live in a country where patriotism is forced, and nor should it be forced. Our country should earn every ounce of patriotism that it gets from its citizens. If some of its citizens don’t feel patriotic about it we need to examine why they don’t.
Does it mean everyone who doesn’t feel patriotic about this country will be right? No, of course not. But, it does mean that we have to be willing to take a hard look in the mirror and see if there is anything wrong going on within our borders.
After all, we are not beyond having errors as we have proven in the past. Sometimes we need to make adjustments and it has been because of protests mainly that this has come about. We cannot be blindly patriotic or we risk being like Germany pre-World War 2. It is good to question the government as well as society in general at times. That is what the press is supposed to do, after all. If they didn’t, Nixon’s crimes would not have been exposed, nor would there have been talk of Clinton’s character, or any politician’s for that matter.
But when the press fails to do its job, then it comes on the people to do the questioning through protesting. I will get down off my soap box for now till next week when I will tackle this again with another look at it as we continue. For now, feel free to comment, and as always please share with your friends and family. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *