It's that time of year again. The weather is getting colder and so are the professors. Your workload is heavier than ever. You feel like crying. You feel yourself morphing into a total hermit. Your parents are questioning what is so hard in your life right now that you can't possibly talk on the phone for ten minutes. Well, it's (wait for it...) finals week! Preparing for finals can be totally stressful. Between trying to study and keep up with your GPA and your social life, you might feel so overwhelmed that you have a mental breakdown every single day. Breakdowns are what I'm here to help you avoid (well maybe not all of them, but most of them.) I say most and not all because well, I'm not perfect, and I do believe that a small, minor breakdown is not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes, it can bring great clarity to what you need to focus on. For instance, maybe your breakdown led you to click on this article and give it a read, which is totally cool because if you keep reading, you'll find my tips on how I survive finals week.
1. Stay Hydrated!
Nothing is worse than becoming dehydrated. It's severely unhealthy, so I urge you to please drink plenty of water. And although that bottle of Smirnoff might look more appealing, take the water instead. If you put off your assignments and studying to drink, your work load will only continue to pile up until it looks like Mount Everest.
2. Make a Daily To-Do List!
I have found that making a day-to-day to-do list is a lot more helpful than making one long (sometimes never ending) list. This can help you to sort out your days, and it gives you a clear schedule for your week. Chunk together your shorter, easier assignments and leave space on days that you assign work that requires more time and effort.
3. Don't Forget To Sleep!
Sleeping is cool. Naps are cool. Just shut your eyes. It's fine. Keeping up with your regular sleep schedule is going to make finals week a lot less hectic. Staying up all night is only going to wear your brain out. If you sleep, you'll retain what you need. Plus, sleeping is just the greatest thing ever, so why would you want to lose it?
4. Get Help!
If there's something you really don't understand, don't be afraid to go to a friend, classmate, your professor, or a tutor. People will be willing to help, you just have to ask for it. Sometimes hearing how to do something one more time is all you need. Use your resources. Don't bail on yourself.
5. Take It One Day At A Time!
Yup, I'm being corny again, but it's true! Worry about the day that you have, not the one that's happening tomorrow. Don't overwhelm yourself by thinking about everything that you have to do in the next two weeks. Think about today, what's due tomorrow, and what you absolutely need to get started on. I'm not saying to wait until the last minute, but don't worry about everything at once.
Finals don't have to mean it's hell week. Follow these tips, and you'll survive with only an occasional minor breakdown!