Leonardo DiCaprio: An Environmentalist | The Odyssey Online
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Leonardo DiCaprio: An Environmentalist

Celebrating Earth Day.

Leonardo DiCaprio: An Environmentalist

On April 22, 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio addressed a collective group of world leaders at the United Nations. After making the necessary changes to the “Paris Agreement,” over 170 nations signed the pact at a conference on Earth Day. The document was negotiated last year and aims to work towards limiting the growth of global warming temperatures.

In addition, it hopes to help make the most uneducated people aware of the impact of climate change. DiCaprio was there at the conference to discuss the efforts and inform everyone of this fast growing issue.

He began his speech by thanking the general secretary and everyone for the honor of addressing an important cause he believes strongly in.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country.”

President Abraham Lincoln spoke these words over 100 years ago before the United States Congress to discuss slavery. DiCaprio used this quote because he felt it related to more than just the issue of slavery. The words of Lincoln can be used to define climate change issues.

Next, he went on to talk about how he has been traveling all over the world documenting the crisis of climate change. Instead of giving statistics he expressed how action needs to be taken. Renewable energy and clean fuels were some of the solutions spoke of. He conveyed knowledge, fear, guilt, courage, and hope to his audience. DiCaprio ended his speech by circling back to President Abraham Lincoln’s quote and relating it to how this should be used as an inspiration.

Global warming has been a long conversed topic. It is defined as:

“A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.”

In other words this is an issue that affects the whole world in harmful ways. Efforts to undo climate change will be extensive and require people to work hard to secure a healthy and stable environment again.

In 1998, Leonardo DiCaprio founded LDF (Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation). The organization's mission is to protect the world’s last wild places. Other than being a talented and famous actor, he is a sophisticated humanitarian who embraces the world around him. Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the biggest environmental activists and a UN Messenger of Peace.

For more information on the good Leonardo DiCaprio does for the environment go to his website at http://leonardodicaprio.org

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