Leona Lewis: Unjustly Underrated | The Odyssey Online
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Leona Lewis: Unjustly Underrated

A talent deserving so much more.

Leona Lewis: Unjustly Underrated

If there’s one artist whose talent consistently proves to be an inspiration, it’s Leona Lewis. Beauty, poise and most of all - that voice, the UK songbird has been compared to the likes of Mariah Carey and the late Whitney Houston for her powerful vocals and ballads. She has one of the best-selling songs in the world, put The X Factor (The UK's Amercian Idol) on the map, has the theme song for one of the best-selling films of all time and is also an advocate for animal rights. So, why isn’t she more recognized?

There are many music stars on the charts who thrive on showing their body and having sexual lyrics in order to sell their records. There’s no denying that, and as a guy who listens to just about everything out there, self-expression is nothing to condemn. However, it’s commendable for an artist who’s just as success-driven and talented as the rest of pack to sell the true core aspects of what music is about: the song & the voice. For that aspect alone, artists like her should be on top of the charts to continue empowering people to be themselves

Despite the mainstream aspect, her discography continues to grow. While she’s known for her powerful ballads, she also experiments with different pop genres such as R&B, Rock, and even EDM genres like House and UK Garage. She also writes heartfelt lyrics and her newest album continues with that trend. She’s a true artist in every sense of the word and way more than that one song in the list of many people’s IPods. Most of all, she’s an amazing inspiration for teaching one of life’s biggest lessons - staying true to yourself. Keep doing you, Leona.

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