I am grateful for everything that has happened in my life. I am sitting at my desk with a setting sun at a gorgeous campus with country music playing softly in the background. As I look around my room, I realize that I have it pretty good. I have opportunities in front of me that other people cannot have because of the environment they were born in. It makes me feel remorseful for those kinds of people because there are great minds and well-rounded people who have the potential to rewrite history. With that being said, I seek to help others whether or not I meet those people. I feel satisfied knowing that I was an active participant in helping someone because I cannot truthfully say that I have lived a life where I struggled for basic necessities such as food, water, or shelter. I would not say I am an upper-class citizen, but I feel confident in saying that I grew up in a household where acquiring a non-necessity was never an issue. It makes me realize that I do have it good.
I know that nothing is given, but achieving something through effort is a gift on its own. It makes me understand that the less you have, the more you appreciate and the more inspired you become to achieve your goals. My grandmother grew up during the Great Depression and World War II. During that time, people struggled to live a stable life and cherished whatever luxury they received. She tells me that her generation was a generation where people looked out for one another, kept their front doors unlocked, and provided people the help they need with the little wealth they had to offer. She makes me realize that we have grown to become so hostile towards one another and it's because of our wealth.
Yes, wealth does build a society, but it can also lead to a one's demise. Unity is what builds a stable society as hostility destroys one. Once the economy began to grow, people lusted over being better than the next person because having an extra car or a pool in the backyard meant that you were better than the next person. Materialistic wealth has taken precedence over the wealth of helping others. We have forgotten the value of unity within a community as it is metaphorically the backbone which keeps society intact. Barriers are built within communities as people fend for themselves and are willing to kill one another if it means maintaining their materialistic wealth.
I very much don’t care about the value of money currently. I understand that it is money that will help me buy a car, purchase a home, start a family and more. You cannot however put a price on happiness. Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” If we remain hostile towards one another, the idea of unification will be something that is mentioned in a textbook while we are constantly on the lookout for robbers, thieves, and criminals.
Lend a Hand.