Growing up, I was heavily influenced by music -- specifically, the music my dad exposed me to. There was hardly a time when the stereo wasn't on, and rarely did we take a car trip without picking out the perfect stack of CDs to bring with us. His collection included The Beatles, Def Leppard, Electric Light Orchestra, and so many other artists from the '60s, '70s and '80s. Instead of dancing to the Backstreet Boys like most of my peers did, I preferred to sing Sonny and Cher duets with my dad or make up dances to songs by the Bee Gees. Needless to say, my love for what is now "the oldies" started at an early age, which is why the death of music legend and fashion icon Prince hit me extra hard.
While scrolling through social media the past few days, I saw so many incredible messages about the life and legacy of Prince. Fans shared memories of their high school proms being themed "Purple Rain," current artists and celebrities spoke of how Prince influenced their lives and their careers, and Millennials like me longed to belong to another generation.
It is so easy to remember Prince for his talent as a musician; the man was a literal genius (have you heard "I Would Die 4 U," "Raspberry Beret," etc.?) What is overlooked, though, is his style. By wearing make-up better than most women, sporting outfits made of ruffles and sequins, and absolutely slaying the color purple better than anyone I know, Prince destroyed conventional gender norms. Prince let the world know that there is no right way to be a man. If you want to have killer facial hair and wear eyeliner that's always on point, then that's okay. If you want to ride a super cool motorcycle in a purple sequin trench coat, go ahead. He never held back and never limited himself when it came to his creative mind. He even directed and produced a number of his own music videos as well as his film, "Purple Rain." There was little that Prince could not do.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Prince or his music, I want you to take a moment. Pick a song you think you might like (they're all magnificent), and listen. The lyrics running through your head and the beat pumping into your ears are those of an absolute legend. A legend who inspired and touched more people and more artists in the current industry than we can imagine. A legend who by all accounts changed music as well as the world of fashion. Above all else, a legend that will not soon be forgotten. Nobody compares to you, Prince. Until we see you again.