It is safe to say we will never again have a duo like Joe Biden and Barack Obama in The White House. In their eight years as partners in crime, they have truly shown America what true friendship is and what it means to be VPOTUS and POTUS.
When they tied the knot on their unbreakable friendship with lanyard braided bracelets, Biden proved he was a 'Leslie Knope' level gift giver...
And then surprised him with cupcakes.
When they took a break from work to play golf on The White House Lawn.
When they got lunch at Shake Shack.
When they went to go see Sasha Obama, POTUS' daughter, and Maisy Biden, VPOTUS' granddaughter, play basketball.
When they went on a quick jog, coached by Michelle Obama herself, through The White House for the Let's Move Campaign.
When you realize you finished work early and can go to Shake Shack.
When people question your bromance but you show them the bracelets to prove it.
And what is better than a walk on a Summer night with your greatest friend along the South Lawn?
Nothing like a toast to eight great years with your best bud.
Their friendship is definitely one of a kind and will be greatly missed in the Oval Office.