In January 2018, fans of the CW hit shows "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals" learned they would receive yet another spin-off from the creator, Julie Plec. Early discussions on a potential spin-off centered around the recurring character, Hope Mikaelson, were said to have taken place in August 2017, when The Originals was beginning to close its final season of filming.
I've been a fan of both preexisting series for quite some time now, as TVD premiered in 2009 and "The Originals" in 2013. I'll converse for hours about it with anyone who's watched the shows as well as people who want to potentially watch them. They're just that good.
While "The Originals" is my favorite of the two, TVD also holds a special place in my heart because it was the first show Julie Plec brought to us fans of the supernatural world. All three shows center around the supernatural world within our own. This world contains vampires, werewolves, witches, and everything in between - but it's not the cookie cutter "Twilight" or "Harry Potter" copycat some would expect.
It actually brings a lot of drama and dark humor to the forefront, and it's a good time investment, as it's highly entertaining and even scary or suspenseful at some points.
When I first learned that a spin-off based on Hope Mikaelson's character would be coming to the CW, I didn't exactly know how to feel about it. I ADORE the show that her character stems from, obviously, but she honestly wasn't my favorite character at all. I was much more enthralled by the family that surrounded her than the miracle tribrid baby they'd written into the show as.
However, I decided to give the show a chance and when I sat down this past week to watch, I was pleasantly surprised. There were twists and turns and comedic moments that I actually didn't expect. I love the fact that it's set in the town of Mystic Falls, VA where "The Vampire Diaries" was also set. And of course, the fact that a super popular series is set in my home state is pretty spectacular!
I also really like the new characters. I feel like I'm going to like Hope in this series more just because she's given a bit more leeway and, because the show is about her, I'll get to know more about why she does certain things and sympathize more with her this time around.
I didn't think I liked Alaric, Jo, and Caroline's twins at first because they seemed a bit catty, but when they're separate and the storyline actually delves more into each of their characters individually, they're not so bad. Elizabeth's freak out in the kitchen where she's smashing plates and cutlery against the walls by way of magic is actually relatable. It may seem far-fetched, but nine times out of ten, that's what a girl is feeling after they embarrass themselves or get their heart broken...just saying.
I also thought the comedic moments were pretty well executed. Anyone who knows me knows that I thrive with dry humor, and this show spares no expense in that department.
While it wasn't necessarily mind-boggling and as much of a spectacle as "The Originals," it's only the first episode. And I expect it to go uphill from here. If you want to catch the pilot episode to "Legacies," hop on over to the CW's website and stream it for free!