Christmas is over now. We are left with lots of new gifts, decorations, and probably quite a bit of trash. Instead of letting all the extra paper go to waste, here are a few ideas on how to save the environment.
1. Paper beads are a good craft for people of all ages. Take your wrapping paper and cut it into triangular-shaped strips. Grab some modge podge or different kind of glue product that will hold well. Paint the strips on the inside and roll them up into bead shapes.
2. Christmas decorations for next year can be made out of used paper in the form of rolling up the paper into tubes and creating a wreath.
3. Bows are really easy to make out of used wrapping paper. The easiest way to do this is to cut the paper into shreds and us scissors to curl it.
4. Add the old paper to new paper is easy and makes the new gift just a little more decorative. Get creative with the shapes you decide to add. Stars, Christmas trees, and even simple polka dots are fun and easy!
If all else fails, recycling is never a bad option!