Courage for some is a word that seems almost like a distant dream, while for others it's a dream already achieved. It takes courage to fly, to fall, to love, and to lose. But what takes even more courage is to not fall to one of the most underrated mistakes a human can make, saying those words you thought to be better left unsaid. But I am here to say NEVER leave anything unsaid, never go your life thinking "God, what would they have said back?", "Where would I be now?", and worst of all, "That could be me." Words are our only form of ever lasting communication that isn't as easily destroyed. Paintings, music, fashion, well that can all be destroyed with a single match or click. But words? They were here before us and will be here after. They're the way our mind works, and the way our heart speaks. They may become foreign to us as time progresses, so use them while you still understand. Tell someone you love them, tell the girl on the subway shes beautiful, tell the boy who always hides his face in school he's worth it, and tell that single parent who starves to feed their child they're not a failure.
You're body is a temple, but your heart is the throne of that temple; and, your heart should never be left with emotions dangling by it's feet because your own mind scared you into never saying what you should have. Tell someone how you feel, no matter how terrified you are they won't feel the same. Tell them you want to be with them, that you want to make them happy, and keep them safe. For all you know their heart is in the same place, and fear, just like you, is stopping them too. Fear is just that weird cousin you're forced to hangout with at family gatherings while he does the Naruto run everywhere, and just like that cousin it must be stopped. Fear only has the hold on you that you give it, so don't give it anything.
Don't loose those opportunities that could change you're life because you left those words unsaid. Put yourself out there, jump the cliff of uncertainty because for all you know the grass for once might just be greener on the other side. The desired result of telling one how you feel might not come immediately, but you just opened the door for it's possibility of even happening at all.
“There was another life that I might have had, but I am having this one.”
― Kazuo Ishiguro