I am going to be extremely upfront about this and regardless of my political opinion or how I was raised, I can say this plainly. I no longer recognize the country I live in and this divide I am seeing in this country silence me.
I understand differing opinions and I understand that something enormous is happening in our political atmosphere, but what completely boggles me and takes the words from my mouth is the utter disregard I see from members (not all) of the two parties and the constant political turmoil we seem to be in. There have always been two sides of an argument, this we can say this true, but when did listening to the opposing side become something that was completely disregarded? When did shouting and closing our ears become the proper etiquette for debate?
When did expressing your political view become making yourself a target?
I think it is completely shameful that there are some who won't even express their political due to backlash. I can completely attest to this feeling and I wish that there were more moments when I felt comfortable being political in a conversation. When I came of age to vote, I was so excited to be involved and to finally be a part of those conversations actively, but all I have been a part of is arguments that end terribly and turning off the news because I can no longer stand to watch it.
All I see on those television screens and anytime I open an app on my phone is our country crumbling. Sometimes I become angry, sometimes I become sad, and sometimes I am simply silenced. I want to state my peace and I want to make this heard: our country is not setting a good example and whatever rut we have fallen into, we need to climb out quickly because the example we are setting is not one that needs to be followed.
Ever since I was able to vote and become involved politically, all I have seen is anger. This doesn't prompt me to become more involved and it doesn't exactly make me feel proud. I love this country dearly and I have the utmost hope for our future, but what I don't understand is how we can't come together when we so need it. Especially now.
There are things happening and movements beginning that need our support and attention. We don't need to be wasting our time screaming in each other's faces. We need to start listening, watching, and becoming involved.
Change is on the brink and if we turn away, we'll miss our extraordinary next step. Calm the anger and pay attention, America.