LEFT IS ALSO RIGHT | The Odyssey Online
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Top forgotten struggles for lefties.


In today's world of quickly developing technologies and inventions, sometimes we look passed small issues in light of the overall product. While this encourages a trend of specific “fix it" products such as a baseball mitt (can’t throw lefty if you also catch lefty!), it can cause exclusivity and create expectations that most people are a specific way. Either way, diversity is beautiful and makes the world more dynamic, as does understanding one another. For my right handed friends who do not understand lefties life, rethink what your life would be like if you had these struggles:

  1. Not being able to change the radio with your dominant hand
    1. Always having to reach or being forced to learn to use the right hand more avidly
  2. Always needing the corner at a table
    1. While righty’s and lefty arm bumping is most prominent, even lefties and lefties bump arms when eating.
  3. Scissors
    1. We need special scissors or beware of bruises, the finger holes are opposite!
  4. Use pencil… ever
    1. Because we write left to right, our hand brushes over the fresh graphite or ink, leaving us a messy hand mark as well as leaving all our work smudged!
  5. Handshakes
    1. Regardless of the dominant hand of the initial shaker, lefties will face the “which hand” dance to decide between the easier option, or their better gripped shake!
  6. High-fives
    1. Same issue as handshakes
  7. Computer mice
    1. Majority of mouse’s sold are righty, aiding in the prevention of carpel tunnel. Lefties have to find specific brands or be like me and be forced learn to use it righty (not advised)
  8. Classroom desks – Some older desks have the tabletop built in, which is great until there is a room of righty desks
  9. Spiral notebook
    1. They are a pain to use. Literally.
  10. Buttons
    1. If turns something on, off, sends or is a “enter” button it is most likely on the right side.
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