Searching For Empathy After The Lee University Campus Threat | The Odyssey Online
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Searching For Empathy After The Lee University Campus Threat

Searching For Empathy After The Lee University Campus Threat
Cassi Yost

This past week, our campus experienced a type of terror that is currently overtaking the nation. On Friday, Oct. 9, a threat of a campus shooting was made on the popular social media forum Yik Yak. The "Yak" specified that a certain number of students would be shot and killed at some point the following week on campus. A screenshot of the post was sent to senior leadership at Lee University and increased campus protection followed soon thereafter (more of the story can be found here).

As the news of this threat broke on Monday, we all felt the tension rising in the hallways. The attendance in my classes dwindled throughout the day and even some of the girls on my hall refused to vacate their bedrooms. I noticed my own cheeks flushing and eyes darting from side to side throughout the day. The thoughts came in floods:

What if the shooter is in a building right now?

What if it's someone I trust and I end up running into them later today?

Why would someone be filled with such hate for his or her fellow students?

With all of the recent campus shootings, I was beginning to think that maybe we would be next. Thankfully, Tuesday morning, the student confided in a senior Lee University administrator that he was behind the anonymous Yik Yak post. The student, originally from Nigeria, was taken into custody and is now facing something so serious in his young life.

With the relief that came with the confession, there was also sadness. My heart broke for this young man whose entire life has changed based upon one post. This situation completely shows the power of social media. Not only did my heart break over the choice he made, but also the response of others. These are the types of responses I saw on the local news publications and from other Christian students:

We basically provide him an education, and this is how he responds to us? Good riddance.

Send him back to where he came from!

Our students are being attacked on our own ground. Kick him out of the country along with the rest of them.

Wait, what? I was honestly shocked by the racist comments I saw filling my Facebook Newsfeed. From Christians. Listen here, just because someone makes a mistake does not mean we condemn and generalize their entire race. We are all human beings created in the image of God, and it could have easily just been a white student who made the shooting threats. In Tennessee, which is in the Bible Belt, I have experienced prejudice I thought did not exist anymore. I seriously question if the people making these comments have read their Bible lately.

We are called to love. Regardless of race, religion and socioeconomic status, we are all precious in God's sight. We all make mistakes and are guilty of doing wrong. If you do not feel sadness for this decision our brother in Christ made, I recommend checking on your heart condition.

Romans 10:12 -- "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him" (ESV).

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