Leaving your first job is an extremely difficult experience. You are comfortable as you spend hours with your new "family" (your coworkers) at your "second home." Some people leave for a better opportunity such as a new job, a better education, etc. Whatever the reason is, leaving your first job is not easy.
After months and even years of working, you're a pro. You know what to do, how to do it, and how to do it well. I can answer any questions a coworker or customer might have. No one likes being the "newbie"... asking a million questions, bugging other associates and even managers. Starting a new job is hard, sometimes your new coworkers aren't very welcoming and the job is very overwhelming. Luckily for me, I had some of the best coworkers to show me the ropes when I first started. Now, I know the place like the back of my hand, which is part of the reason it's so hard to leave.
Coworkers become like family because usually you are with them more than your own family. Some of my best friends are the ones I have worked with, and leaving seems like I won't ever see them again. Although I know this is not true, I can't help but feel that this is a final goodbye. There are those few people who make your shift better (s/o to Dayna). Even on the days you feel like working the least, the people there make it worth while to get out of bed, put makeup on, put on the hideous uniform that you all dreadfully wear, and make it on time to clock in. You can only reflect on how good you have it and hope that your next job will have such as amazing people.
My first job taught me a lot about myself. It taught me to be responsible with my money because you only get paid once every two weeks, so spend it wisely. Personally, I spent so many paychecks within the first few days until finally I learned my lesson. It taught me the value of a dollar. That new pair of shoes I wanted was 2 whole days of work... anywhere from 10-20 hours worth of work. Do I still really want them? My first job taught me that not everybody is going to like you - whether it is a coworker or a customer. You just have to smile and go on with your day.
The "first job" is always full of memories, both good and bad. It's also full of so many life lessons that only "first job" can teach, whether it has to do with the job or something you learned about yourself. Although saying goodbye will be extremely hard to do, I know I'll always hold a special place in my heart for all of the laughs, people, and memories.