You are a coffee bean. Inside the claustrophobic coffee bag you wait to be poured into a grinder that pulverizes you into bits that blend into a homogenous mix that will only become the source of life for some poor soul on a Monday morning.
Do not be a bean.
It is so easy to get caught up in the grind. Back in high school, I found myself going through weeks where I would come home to the dreaded question “How was your day”. I knew my parents expected more than the passive reply I always gave them, but how was I supposed to describe the banal activities of the day? Of course I did not learn the same information in class, repeat the same conversations with my friends, or go to the same clubs as the day before; nonetheless the way I was living was so ordinary. Everything I was doing all seemed to blend into a routine that I felt stuck in. I was indifferent to it and just flowed with whatever tasks needed to get accomplished at the end of each week.
I expected the monotony to disappear when I entered college. The first few weeks went by smoothly as one would expect it to—the same conversations of “where are you from?” or “what are you majoring in?” and feelings of loneliness as you realize that you have to start from square one on the friend making game. No doubt, it was invigorating being surrounded by people with such different stories but at times I felt like I needed to remove myself before feeling caught up in the crowd. Even simply taking a walk around the campus with just my thoughts and music to listen to was enough of a break to keep myself feeling sane. I needed to feel truly independent—even if it meant spending time alone.
However, removing yourself does not have to be a solitary experience. I found Ultimate Frisbee and Guitar club, both of which allow me to focus on activities other than schoolwork. They give me the chance to go out and socialize with students who also have the need to stray from the norm. Sometimes it does not feel like they are sufficient. It still takes effort to make each day feel truly different from the previous. I have come to accept that some weeks will mesh together and I will feel like a bean among many others who feel the same way.
Recognize when you get caught in the web of your predictable life and when it happens do anything out of the ordinary. Walk outside. Get your favorite tunes on and dance. Start reading a classic. Distract yourself from the dullness that tends to wrap itself around your head. Allow yourself to be surprised by your own capabilities. It does take a series of intentional actions to get yourself outside of your familiar zone. Never lose the spirit to keep life interesting. Take the time to leave your grind behind.