Walking through the darkness, there is little light. Pain brings us into the darkness, it makes us forget who we are. Falling into darkness no longer means anything. You can see light far away, but it burns you, you avoid it. Should you ignore the pain, you stay in darkness. If you feel the pain, within every aspect of your existence. That’s what brings you back.
To remember everything that has brought you up to that point in time. To remember everything and everyone you ever loved, what you lived for, and what you looked forward to. Remembering all the times that it hurt to live, remembering all the times you laughed just because you could. We can either live in fear like so much of the world wants us to today, or we can let go the fear of losing these memories.
People are like a Phoenix. From the ashes rises life once again. To be alive is one thing, to die is something that must happen, and to live is something else entirely. To truly experience that which has occurred around you, to become privy to it. There will come a moment in time in which all that has ever been and all that ever will be makes sense. You can choose at that moment to understand, or to ignore. It requires constant thought, constant struggle.
The greatest challenge is knowing the darkness. An individual is like candle. But every person has the strength of a thousand suns within them. Eternal light. When people stand up, they can set the world on fire, enlighten others, spreading their flame to all who are brave enough. The isolation that exists between individuals will cease to exist, as all together become one bright flame. All that seemed so important at one point will cease to be, and the important things in the world will take hold within our minds.
This will be the liberation of thought, when people are no longer taught about some box. They always say “think outside the box.” This is very foolish, because this recognizes the box, but the problem of the existence of the box. The box represents the society’s “normal” way of thinking. Thinking outside of it is supposed to provide better and more unique ideas. But this is a standardization on thought, saying that his how things are thought about.
The same thing can be said of religion, religion is the standardization of spirituality. What does that mean? It is saying that there is a certain way to spiritual, a certain way to think about our existence and relationship to the universe.
These standardizations of these metaphysical understandings cause the world much suffering, and they have since the beginning of recorded time. The truth of the world and all things and existence itself is written within everything. It is within all things and within ourselves. It is a matter of seeking it, and not falling for the illusions that exist in all forms. To see beyond, that is to understand.