So, I'm home. Camp is over for I and now I'm just back to the school grind. I really loved this summer. It was challenging, difficult, tiring, but incredibly rewarding. I constantly asked myself, "Why did I work at camp AGAIN?". But as I look towards the end of the summer and going into school once again I like to just reflect as to why I had such an awesome summer.
To start off, lives were CHANGED. CHANGED was our theme this summer and it was awesome just to see God work in so many campers lives. It was never easy to get to those moments to create space for those encounter with God but they were so great when it did happen.
I'm really going to miss being in the Chapel. I literally lived in the Chapel this summer and I just put so much blood, sweat and tears into that place. It was always a ton of work and whole lot of stress, but shoot, I just will miss the excitement of Chapel.
And Finally, I made FRIENDS that I will never forget. We had such an awesome staff and I am just so blessed to have made so many great friendships that will last a long time. I just love those people so much and I miss them just writing this article. They are all very loving people and constantly make me feel loved.
If you ever wanted to work at camp, DO IT! It will literally change your life. Shoutout to Lake Geneva Youth Camp for a great summer.