Could you recall the last time that you went outside into nature without your phone for at least three hours? Yeah, that one is difficult for me to think about too. In the younger generations, we would play outside for hours without any distractions or worries about a Snapchat coming in or losing a streak and thinking that person may not like you anymore. Yes, this sounds extremely dumb as it shouldn't even be an issue at all which was the mindset of a 90s kid for sure. Here in this generation we are constantly thinking about what others think of us as well as how quickly we can respond to people to bring reassurance into friendships and relationships.
We used to trust more and be more open towards different types of people and destinations that we didn't need the use of technology for. In this century, we are nervous to leave our phones with a stranger or even to the side for a few minutes due to the vulnerability of "not knowing" or the questionable future not being at our hands. We want the control of knowing who things are being sent to and what we are liking and how we are liking these types of things. It all seems crazy, I know but it's completely and utterly true that we have lost many aspects of our control and "normal lives" themselves.
Don't get me wrong technology is absolutely amazing, yet we need to remember to go outside for a few minutes and smell the flowers or grab some sidewalk chalk and draw our names out. Maybe our own minds and activities in the outdoors will draw us to meeting new people and starting up different conversations that we never thought we would approach to begin with. I'm not saying that we have to ditch technology by any means, but maybe leave your phone back next time you go out for a walk or a drive. It might be nice to connect with nature a bit more or go off track when you're driving and a find a new path to a familiar place. You could even meet someone who makes you happier than ever and that might happen with the help of not looking down on your phone when you could easily see someone with no distractions.
Life happens and things are extremely unexpected at times, so when we let ourselves open up to those possibilities, anything can happen.
When was the last time you and your best friend had a conversation about life without your phones? It might have been even just yesterday for you, but you were probably flashing up your lock screen to see what time it was or if that person you've been waiting for a response from texted you back. We need to authentically be present for others as well as ourselves and show one another that we are here for the same reason to seek happiness and find direction within our own lives. This small aspect of leaving your phone home or just not taking it out for an hour or two could open multiple doors for you into new friendships, relationships, and perspectives that have been unseen for an amount of time. So do what you can, and take what you will from this, but the world is waiting for you and there are so many things that we haven't even looked at yet.