I think we can all agree that our comfort zone is the safest place we can be. We know what to expect and when to expect it. We know that our phones are always there for us when we're in a class where we don't know anyone, that plugging in our headphones and walking with our heads down will surely keep people from talking to us.
However, we have to ask ourselves what we're getting out of this. Sure, we are very comfortable and can avoid awkward situations, but why live life skirting around uncomfortable situations? That discomfort is what helps us grow into the people we admire.
"Wow, look at her style. I wish I could be that confident." "Dang, he gave a great talk. Why can't I be more comfortable talking in front of people?" "I wish I could live out my faith more boldly as they do."
Though that safe space we call our comfort zone may seem perfect to live in, it can easily turn into a place of regret. We are called to a higher purpose. God did not create us to live in mediocrity but to venture out and become more.
Personally, I would much rather stick to my routine and keep order. However, the times in my life where most growth happened was when I stepped out of my comfort zone and trusted God would deliver me. And each time He has. I have grown so much from that time when I decided to try daily mass and realized how loved I was by Jesus, the time I reached out to an acquaintance to let them know I was praying for them, the time when I stood up for the kid who was getting picked on the bus. I was not at all comfortable with these situations, but putting aside my discomfort, I look back on it and see how they have helped me become the person I am today. I am more comfortable reaching out to people and I have incorporated daily mass into my routine.
The cool thing about your comfort zone is that it can be expanded and things you thought were scary can become things you love to do. Start small and keep going. Years from now you'll look back and see how much you have grown. No matter how minuscule the step seems, take it because you'll grow more than you would if you didn't. Surround yourself with people who encourage you in that aspect and keep chugging along.