Tomi Lahren, former talking head for “TheBlaze” has fallen from grace within the ultra-conservative, alt-right, alt-facts, racist, sexist, and uninformed communities. Truly, it was matter of time. However, there are some problems with the liberal/progressive/anti-Tomi Lahren communities.
For those who missed it, Tomi Lahren said, in an interview with a conservative organization, that she identifies as pro-choice, that she cannot feel comfortable advocating for small government while simultaneously advocating for government intervention in women’s bodies. This comes after she has said, on her own program, that she is firmly pro-life and that pro-choicers are “baby killers”— a somewhat problematic and certainly aggressive statement to say the least.
So the criticism that Ms. Lahren has received has been largely about perceived hypocrisy— she has said two extremely conflicting things. However, people do change their minds about things. Considering how quickly her exit from “TheBlaze” followed her comments about being pro-choice, there is a relevant possibility that all of the views she expressed at her former post belonged to a team of writers that were catering to a specific audience. So, she may have not ever been pro-life, but if we assume she was, there’s something to take away.
I have personally had my mind changed about hundreds of things, and it is difficult to admit to. After debating fervently with someone, considering their facts, and admitting you were wrong or have had a change of heart is incredibly difficult. And if that is the case with Tomi Lahren, she has just showcased the incredible risk of humility.
In such a difficult political climate, civil discourse is absolutely essential to progress. But civil discourse means nothing if we ostracize people who change their minds or call them hypocrites for having an open mind and heart about divisive issues. Humans are dynamic. The ability to move on issues in response to fact and debate is an important quality.
There are a million other problematic values and ideas that Tomi Lahren holds dear, or seems to, and that's an essay for a different day. For taking a risk and confidently moving away from a previous stance, Tomi Lahren might have just made her first valuable contribution to the world.