For those who don't already know, finals week (or dead week) is the worst time in a college-goers life. Dead week is exactly that, a dead week — a week for taking all of the final and biggest exams ever in each of your classes. It doesn't matter if you paid your very best attention in class, have a good grade or are just a natural genius. Finals hit and suddenly everything gets hectic. The studying must commence.
Here are three reasons why I say don't mess with me during finals week.
I'm tired
I have spent hours studying, preparing, reading, I have been working my butt off. So please, don't get upset with me when I seem like I am in my own little world. I have stayed up nearly all night, making flash cards, sometimes procrastinating, trying to freshen up material that I learned months ago, days before the biggest test ever.
Cut me some slack — I am EXHAUSTED.
I'm stressed to the MAX
The pressure of finals week weighs heavy on me. My future rides on these tests, I have people counting on me, I just want to pass. The amount of material I have to keep in store is unreal — a whole semester of knowledge must be retained for each individual class. It's near to impossible but I have to do it.
Aside from studying, I also have to find time to eat, have a few breaks, and make some money. Working during finals week is awful, it gets to the point where any chance you get, you're running to your backpack trying to squeeze in a study sesh on a five-minute break. And ramen, as if it wasn't your best friend before, will definitely be your go-to during finals. That is if you can find the time to squeeze in a meal break.
Not exaggerating, dead week is that stressful.
My emotions are everywhere — literally
Blame it on the lack of sleep or maybe I'm just losing it, but finals really bring out the worst in me. I cry constantly, and it doesn't matter where I am at, I'll have a breakdown in the middle of the library if something sets me off. And it doesn't take much to do so.
With the workload, my itch to procrastinate and the stress, it's basically waterworks for the whole week. I'm a whole mess. But luckily so is everyone else, so there really is no judgment during the week of finals because everyone is just as done as you are.
Although dead week is the worst time of your life, it is only a week. Thank god. I couldn't handle it if it were any longer. And after you've taken your last test, you get to go home for the holidays and take a little break. That is if you can relax without checking to see if grades are posted every five minutes.
My strategy? Take them and hope for the best, once I have left the campus and headed home, I'm not speaking about school until I have to come back for the second semester. See ya!