Leave Room For Passion In Your Schedule | The Odyssey Online
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Leave Room For Passion In Your Schedule

It's Easier Said Than Done

Leave Room For Passion In Your Schedule

Recently in an interview, I was asked what the word passion means to me. Could I define the word in my own words? I was surprised that I found myself to be at a loss for words for a few moments (this could have something to do with nerves, to be fair) but I think I spouted off a good enough answer. Though, when I thought about my answer, there was a lot I wish I would have added.

Dictionary.com defines passion as "anypowerfulorcompellingemotionorfeeling,as loveorhate." I don't think dictionary.com's definition does the word justice.

Passion is a love (or hate) for something or someone so deep that it consumes a person's every thought. It's always there in the back of his or her mind. Passion, much like the word character, has a lot to do with what someone does when no one is looking. It's easy to be hyped up about something when everyone is looking and when everyone can see you get excited; it's easy to be "passionate" when you are simply proving how much you care to someone else. Where true passion shines, though, is what is done behind the scenes. Someone who is truly passionate about something does not care about the recognition they get for the work they put in because they are happy to be putting in the work. True passion innocent in its motives.

Passion is easily demonstratable in sports: there is an athlete putting in 5 hours of practice a week, and an athlete putting in 15 hours of practice a week. The first athlete is just as good as the second athlete, but he hates working for 5 hours a week. The second athlete does not care that he is working 15 hours a week only to be just as good as the athlete working 5 hours a week because he loves what he is doing; the second athlete doesn't care that he is putting in the 15 hours a week because he enjoys it.

It's easy to get caught up in life and let our schedules fill up with things that we are not truly passionate about, mainly because of social, academic, and work-related obligations. However, it's easy to get burnt out and bored with life if we don't pencil in time for those things that we are truly passionate about. If you don't need to be doing something, consider evaluating why you're doing it. While it is important to dedicate time to helping others and serving your fellow man, it is also important to do things you enjoy. If you're doing that thing just for the accolades or because of peer pressure, stop.

Find something you are passionate about, and start. Make time for the things you love.

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