Adventure: not my favorite word yet.
Do not get me wrong, my fellow young people. I love an adventure as long as it does not hurt my chances to the life that I have dreamed about. Anyway, isn't that what adventure implies? The risk, the excitement, the change? Well, that is a different story and I promise you further examination (once figured out).
Why I am talking about adventure in the first place? Because of some similar issue that we may have as college students or even as people in general. Should we leave our hometown schools to adventure somewhere else? What are the risks and what is going to change? Among some many other million questions.
Why I am taking my time to write about this: because like many of you, I am also thinking about leaving the only place that I have known, where all my family is, where I have grown used to the people and the culture.
I know also that I do not stand alone on this matter, and that many are concerned not only about the sentimental or emotional aspect, but also about the economic implications.
Quite honestly, there is in nobody but in yourself to determine whether you want to "go for it", but it occurs to me that perhaps I may be of help by sharing your same worries, and let you think about the many positive outcomes I myself have thought about.
So here you go, three of the strongest reasons why you (we) should set aside those fears:
1. You need to explore.
Whatever your future is going to be, you need to get to know the world that surrounds you, meaning not only the community you are used to. You need to leave that zone of comfort so you can understand everybody, and in the process, you will also get to know yourself.
Think about it, it's pure logic. You are not getting any wiser if you stay in the place where you have learned everything there is to learn already. The word is an open book, never stay on the same page.
2. Your probabilities are higher.
Yes, when you apply for schools other than just the two ones in your town, you have better chances of acceptance.
Plus, every school is a different story, meaning they may have different costs, or provide better education when it comes to your specific major. By expanding your radius, you will logically have more probabilities as well as options.
3. Independence and experience.
Have you ever done your own laundry, or have to worry about what is for dinner? Well, once you are away from "mommy", you are going to have to. But hey!, I got news for you... that is real life right there, knocking on your dorm room. I suggest you open that door.
Did I not convince you? Think about that "adventure" word again. Think about it and redefine it. Own it. Do whatever you feel is better for you. However think about the word and savor it, you are responsible for re-scribing it.
Your education and future are serious matters, but what are they if not part of something new, of a new chapter in your life, of a new learning experience?
You can do it... you can start TRULY loving the "A" word, and while you are at it, that new place you are going to.