First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Thankfully 2017 is over, and I don't think it can get much worse.
We should have seen this coming with the way Mariah Carey rang in the New Year, that was like her warning to us, so shame on us for not seeing this coming. To ensure everyone has a happy one, I've compiled a list of things to leave in 2017.
Some are terrible trends, some terrible people....
1. DIY Slime
please stop making this, and please stop making people youtube famous for making this
2. Lip Plumping
whether you're over lining or doing that suction thing, stop.
3. Vaping
no, I don't want to see your vape, 'bro'
4. Ghosting
this one is just immature.
5. Fidget Spinners
if I see one more of these I might explode
6. Bitcoin
we all know deep down this cannot end well.
7. The video of Bella Hadid sneaker shopping
8. Weird eyebrow trends
whether they're wavy, braided, or drawn in too much pls stop
9. Male Rompers, "RompHims" if you will
these should be banned for obvious reasons
10. The "cash me outside" girl
she got way too much recognition for all the wrong reasons
11. Pineapple on pizza
it's just not right
12. The debate over pineapple on pizza
we have bigger fish to fry, like, anchovies on pizza!?!?!
13. Donald Trump's presidency
this one is self-explanatory.
14. Donald Trump's Twitter password
I'm just gonna leave this here
15. No, seriously how do we get rid of him
***Asking for a friend***
16. Mike Pence
if we leave one behind, might as well leave the other
17. Dabbing
please for the love of God stop dabbing
18. Powerful rich men taking advantage of people
aka apparently half of Hollywood
19. People taking advantage of people
just to cover all bases
20. "Icing"
ok this one is funny I just really don't want it to happen to me
21. Furry sandals
it's like an oxymoron
22. Those backless loafers with the fur inside

they just make it look like you have hairy feet....
23. Sophia the robot
she's terrifying!!!
24. Nicole Kidman Clapping
25. Harley Quinn Halloween costumes
I thought my eyes were deceiving me, but no, there were really that many girls with the same idea
26. Clear shoes
27. Taylor Swift dancing
ok so this really should have been left in like 2013 but I'll continue to try until it ends - Taylor, I like you so much more when you're standing still
I'm sure there's a ton of things I forgot, because let's face it...2017 was not a very good year, let's leave some of this stuff in 2017, to help make 2018 just a little better from the start.