Leave Brock Turner Alone: A Satire | The Odyssey Online
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Leave Brock Turner Alone: A Satire

Making Him Take Responsibility for his Actions is Obviously Too Harsh of a Punishment.

Leave Brock Turner Alone: A Satire

If you have been on social media at all during the past few days, you have definitely heard of Brock Turner's case. In January 2015, Brock Turner was found sexually assaulting an unconscious young woman. The jury pronounced Turner guilty of the charges, and it looked like this young man would be punished for his actions.

What the judge realized, though, was that Turner actually has a lot to lose. A Stanford student, Turner was a successful swimmer on the university's team. A rich, white male in the United States, Turner had a promising future ahead of him. What a shame it would be to ruin such shining potential with an offense as minor as raping an unconscious individual with a life of her own.

Yes, Turner may have completely dehumanized a living, breathing human being. Yes, he may have taken her body for himself without her permission or acknowledgment. Yes, he may have disregarded the rights and dignity of an equal citizen, but come on. Prison? Responsibility for his actions? He is just a kid, and he made a mistake.

At least he is not a black male who smokes marijuana once in a while. Man, those are some awful people. Three years in prison just is not enough punishment. At least he is not a Muslim woman peacefully protesting for her rights. What a disgusting crime that is, only to be dealt with with a light beating. Do not even get me started on those young black women who do not resist arrest. Throwing them on the ground is not enough.

No, Brock Turner is different. He has promise and potential in this society. As his father rightfully said, he was just getting "20 minutes of action". He is the real victim here. Girls who go out to have fun and wear dresses are just asking for it. Who do they think they are to have minds and bodies of their own?

Turner's victim has chosen to remain anonymous, but her voice is loud and clear. In a horrendous case of objectification, she speaks for women all over the world who's cases are dismissed because of their past, their clothing, their choices, their slurred words, and pretty much everything they did. Boys will be boys. Girls need to learn to not get raped.

Turner has a life ahead of him. Apparently, this brave young woman does not. She has to live her life knowing her rapist is walking away basically free. The judge believes he is not a danger to society, though. Not to mention jail would scar him as well as ruin his potential. So forget about the scars left on women's souls and bodies. They are not rich white male student athletes, so who cares?

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