For those who are a part of the klutz community, many know how hard everyday life can be at times. Some of us have simple problems such as tripping over their own two feet at least once a day or even waking up in the morning with an assortment of random unknown bruises that can look pretty nasty. Another thing we experience is the concept that what we do is absolutely adorable. It is unintentional! We don't plan to trip up the stairs and skinning our knees, rather we would love to be graceful.
Grace is sometimes ideal for men and women want to obtain. You see the classic films probably thinking about how beautiful and sophisticated Grace Kelly was while probably eating Ben and Jerry's™ in a onesie. I honestly believe I have been in that mindset a ton lately especially since I decided it was a brilliant idea to take tap dancing. Since I jumped into that class I make a fool of myself everyday trying my hardest to look like Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins, but instead I look like all three of The Stooges combined. Nevertheless, I know people in that class probably don't care, but you know sometimes it feels like everyone is judging you a little too hard. Nevertheless, I try to be positive and laugh it off like every klutz does although I may be dying a little on the inside.
One of my favorite gems I have found while surfing Tumblr late at night would have to be the "justgirlythings" blogs where they talk about how it is such a cute and girly thing to fall head over heels all the time. Whoopsie! Hehe just a girl here! What a clumsy female! I find it so ridiculous this even exists for this very matter. I know plenty of guys who are clumsy and awkward just like me. I know this may seem kinda ridiculous to bring up, but hey we are all clumsy to some degree. Some of us just happen to be Mia Thermopolis level of clumsy.
Humor is an important thing to have when along with a winning smile because sometimes all you can do is smile in those situations is smile and laugh. More than once I have run into things or walked into doors without looking and had to laugh it off like "Wow! I am a hot mess!" Quite honestly it can sometimes be the curse especially when you stub your toe twice in a row.... It has happened, tears and some colorful language followed shortly afterward.