Seven weeks into school. Homework is heavy. Deadlines are looming. Registration for Spring classes is a pressing issue. Free time is diminishing. Life is crazy and fast, and time seems to be moving faster than you think it should be. I have come to the point where I think I will have some free time coming up, only to look at the clock and see that what I have been doing has taken much longer than I had intended.
I find this causes my life to be full and busy. There always seems to be something that I need to do yet, or something that I forgot to do. I tend to leave some things to be done for times where I am not capable of doing them. I take time for myself where I shouldn't, but I fear if I don't then I would go as crazy as my life has seem to become.
This makes me think of one of my favorite songs by Jonny Diaz called "Breathe." The song starts out fast paced and quick. When is it reaches the chorus it's rate slows as he tells you to "Breathe. Just Breathe." Come and rest at the feet of God. Just be. Slow down. Breathe. One of my favorite parts of the song is when Diaz says,
"I'm busy busy busy, and it's no surprise to see,
that I only have time for me me me."
And it's here that I realize that is where I am at right now. I am so busy, that when I do have a pit of free time I use it on me. Everything I am doing already is for me. School is for me. My grades, my effort, are all driven by me and what I want. At work, I work for me and the money I think I need. And when I get that bit of time, I use that for me as well. I should use that time to pray. Or devotions. I should be thanking God for where I am in my life. But all I can see it me. Everything that I have done, and everything that I need to do for me. It's all me me me.
When that happens, when all I'm doing is for me, I see everything I'm doing as my own accomplishments. I look at my life and I think, "Wow, look at what I've done." I put all the credit right in front of me and claim it all. But that is not quite right. I could have never gotten this far in life if I had not been lead here. I have not gotten here on my own.
I'm busy. I'm at the point where it is all coming down to me me me. But I need to stop. I need to breathe. I need to lay it all down at the Lord's feet and take a moment to realize that all the credit goes to Him, and not to me. He has been with me, and has guided me right to where I am today, and I would not be here if it were not for Him.
So this is where I stop. I breathe. I come and rest at His feet. And breathe.